How to overcome loss of short term memory-tips?!

Question: How to overcome loss of short term memory-tips.?
Sugesstion of medicine based on your sex, age and other factors...

Try Yoga & Meditation. Heve sound sleep (7-8 hours of sleep a day)
besides this, consult a specialist, this will help.....Health Question & Answer

Make a list of 'things to do'. Jot down on the post it piece of paper and stick them infront of your seat, your table draw etc.,

At the end of the day try to recall the incidents, however small or insignificant they may seem, things you did, the places you visited one by one from the morning till night.

In order to rmember names of people/places, connect the names places to your own imaginative names. Like you met one Mr. Muralidhar - link this name to instrument of Krishna (murali). Ngaaraja called you asks you to meet him sometimes - link him with King of serpents. You visited some stores called Joy's collections, to recolect rember 'happy collection' etc. These will help you much to rember places and names easily.

Hold your thumb, index finger and the middle finger of your lieft hand as you read/hear something which you may want to recall. This activates the nerves/cells of brain which help to retain/recall what we read/hear.Health Question & Answer

Keep your daily activities and routine on schedule. Keep a calendar in your kitchen, or bathroom, and write schedule changes down (appointments, meetings, etc.). Carry a planner with you (which is a real trick to growing accustomed to using!) reminding you of the schedule.

Write anything down that you need to remember. For instance, I am horrible w/ nouns and pronouns. If I don't write down a name immediately, it is gone. I also have to write specifics down. Say I get a phone call from Jane Doe from Ace Co. who wants to speak w/ my peer, Sandra, re: check copies. I'd have to write it all down. If I don't, I vaguely recall speaking w/ someone from a company for S (name starts w/ an S--I think.?) regarding something for an office. Obviously, not real good, lol! It takes awhile to discover how deep the loss of memory is.

It's difficult for me to give any other tips, as I don't know precisely how poor your short-term memory difficulty is. A lot of people claim that their memory is bad, but it it's not bad at all. Too vague, imo. I hope that you've gained some ideas out of this post!

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I find that Ginkgo Biloba twice a day helps, one tablet each time. Get the large dose.
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repeat it 2 times or write it in a page and keep it in ur pocketHealth Question & Answer

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