I'm really scared about something and I need some help...?!

Question: I'm really scared about something and I need some help....?
Ok, let me tell you whats going on...
For the past 3 months, I have been getting these really sick, morose thoughts that just keep "popping" into my head. I don't know why they pop into my mind they just do, and they worry me alot. I have never ever hurt anything in my life and I never plan to, but these thoughts have me scared that they are going to escalate into something horrible when I become and adult (i'm 16 now). I've self diagnosed myself with OCD, because when I was younger I would worry all the time about things, and I would do compulsions mentally and psysically to make myself think those things wouldn't happen. I'd also go through these phases where I would worry that I was going to become posessed or I was going to go insane, but that passed. I think it was all part of my OCD, but all of a sudden I started worrying about becoming a psychopath or a serial killer because of these thoughts. I've read that Jeffrey Dahmer sorta had the same experience at around my age and i'm so scared that I am going to turn into someone like him and I really don't want to... The difference is i've never acted on any of these thoughts and I hope hope hope I never will, just over time it has been getting worse, just like he said his thoughts did. I have grown up in a wonderful household, i've never been abused or anything, these thoughts never existed before a couple months ago, and I really am scared right now... I just need some input on this and if anyone has had any experiences that are similar, or if they have any clue into whats going on. I've booked an appointment with my doctor, so don't say "go see someone".Health Question & Answer

I understand your situation because this has happened to me before. Does sound like OCD from what you've said, and from what I've learned it's a low level of serotonin. Yes, I used to get scared when these thoughts would enter my mind, and thought I was heading down a terrible path. However, I know I would never do these things, and in fact, these are the things that I feared the most. Actually, at times they were horrific.

What I've noticed is that diet can play a crucial role. Be aware of you're intake of high amounts of sugar and refined foods, as well as alcohol. I've noticed symptoms increase when consumption of these foods increased. These types of food certainly effect serotonin levels in a rapid way. The problem is when serotonin levels fall quickly into lower levels with more receptors than before... therefore increasing the need for serotonin. Most of the time OCD will be treated with anti-depressants, which work to steady your serotonin levels.

I know they are disturbing, but I really wouldn't worry too much about the content of your obsessive thoughts. The only time to worry is when you feel the impulse to act on them. Then it's time to get help immediately. The fact that these thoughts bring you great distress and fear is a good sign... a fact that you would never do such a thing. It sounds like it's simply a biochemical issue that needs to be addressed, and possibly nutritional as well.

I understand your turmoil, but please don't be hard on yourself and your obsessive thoughts. You are not your thoughts. Like I said, abnormal biochemistry can cause odd symptoms, and although we cannot know the exact cause of OCD, I'm sure it has much to do with deep inner fears and a need to feel some amount of control over our unpredictable existence.

Please inform yourself with knowledge of OCD and learn to step back and witness your thoughts. Try not to identify with them, observe them as only thoughts and not your true self. Soon they will lose their power over you if you refuse to give them credit. Health Question & Answer

sounds like OCD Anxiety
and your iritableHealth Question & Answer

try changing your train of thought. visualize other happy things or think of yourself as a bird or something flying free from it all.Health Question & Answer

I think you did well by booking that appointment. You seem to be a genuine and good person from what you write. A lot of us have odd fantasies, thoughts, dreams at a certain stage of our lives. That doesn't make us psychopaths. The fact you worry about it and took action should give you some assurance. Now go see that GP and tell him what your worries are, don't let him/her guess ok.?

Good luckHealth Question & Answer

You mind is just racing and sometimes we can't help the thoughts we think. Maybe you could talk to some one who could help you understand why you are having these thoughts and they can help you stop if it's really bothering you.
also, to be a serial killer or a psychopath you have to have no feelings of guilt. And from what you are writing it sounds like you feel pretty bad for having these thoughts. You don't seem like the type of person who would act on it. If this continues for a longer period of time and starts really worrying you, than I suggest you get professional help.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you do have OCD and as you may know that when you get rid of one thought pattern another is there to take it's place. You don't have to worry about becoming a serial killer. Dahmer acted out his thoughts by his obsession with road kill and started killing animals,graduating to killing and mutilating humans. Thoughts are not actions.
It sounds like you needs some medication to help with your OCD so your mind won't be bogged down with these thoughts. Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

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