Am I technically depressed?!

Question: Am I technically depressed.?
Hello all. I'm a college student who hasn't started off with the best school year. First of all, I hate my classes and I can't concentrate in school(AT ALL!). The reason this is, is because I had to stay at home with my mom and younger brother for this semester due to lack of money, and financial aid not coming in fast enough. Things in the house are falling apart financially and emotionally. And mind you, I'm a junior in college, so I'm use to a certain amount of freedom. I feel as if I have no freedom, I feel like I'm suffocating. I already didn't really care for school, and this is making it worse. I've always had it rough financially and emotionally, and so many times I feel selfish because others have it worse than me, so I suck it up. I'm crying at the drop of a hat, and I'm usually pretty thick skinned. I never feel like going to school, I just keep thinking of an easy way out. I just always feel down lately.Health Question & Answer

Answers:'re obviously feeling as you have no control over the situation, and for many of us that can be depressing!

Are you actually going to your classes.? Do you hate them because you are not thrilled with what you are taking and concerned about what you've chosen.? I'm guessing you probably have an advisor...have you tried talking to them yet.? also I'm also quite sure all colleges have free counseling services for their students. I would definitely check it out. Someone may offer some suggestions or perspective that you are not even considering and give you some relief. How about a work study program at school.?

So those are some things you can 'do' if you are up to the meantime it sounds as if you are overwhelmed and need to take some basic care of yourself. Can you go for walks or to a library or bookstore daily.? To just get some time for you.? I know what it's like to have to go back to the folks when out of the house and on your own...but I really just decided to make the best of it and I also started investigating some things to do for ME. I started walking daily...outside or at a nearby mall of all places. I started meditating...and I also started going to a nearby coffee shop to just sit and read...not a big deal for many...but for me it was a small step of independence...and felt empowering. I also went to movies alone..Yikes..who would of thought! But going during the day is cheaper, and usually hardly anyone is ever there so you don't really feel funny once you are in there.

Get to a counselor...see about the work study program or even working part time (somewhere fun!) and start taking care of deserve it.Health Question & Answer

anybody else in your shoe would feel sad...have you thought of finding a job.....?jobs that can pay some money and help you to finantially improve....Health Question & Answer

No hun, your not, by terms of clinically, depressed. Your depressed in the sense of the word that anyone would be in the stressful situation your in. But having actual depression is waay beyond that, trust me, ive battled with it for years, and while I've gone through horrific **** in my life, when you are actually depressed, even when all is well, you cannot escape these horrible feelings. Just doing everyday tasks like getting up to go to the bathroom, take a shower, EVERYTHING, is like the hardest thing in the world. You have a complete and utter lack of any hope or motivation in life, u feel empty, but not empty of the horrible feelings. You feel NO joy or ANYTHING for life, nothing makes you feel any better, or any joy. You feel trapped in an endless abyss, and you have no clue how you got there, or if you'll ever get out or HOW to get out. You have almost everyday thoughts of suicide. Its not a pretty site. Yes some have worse depression than others, but people with true depression, have things along the lines of that. Depression is WAAAY over diagnosed. Just because your depressed about something, or sad because of situations, that doesn't mean u have "depression", that is a normal human reaction to such circumstances. But hun, I have been where you are, I am in some sense, n its hard, the whole money thing, at that age (im 21) makes it so much harder, cause its like there's nothing u can do about it (working doesn't make that much, enough for what were talkin about, and with school its a lil hard to be full time both), and its so frustrating, like something so stupid as Money effects ones life so horribly and hinders one so much! It is a hard and unfair thing to deal with, but thats why you need to try your hardest to do well in school so one day you wont have to have such a trivial thing as money, effect your life so bad. ( i mean, not trivial, but Cause goin thru **** like that, I hate money and look at it(money) as a trivial type thing to so horribly effect peoples life's, ya know). Its hard, and I wish you all the luck, dont ever give up tho, believe it or not , YOU WILL get through this, your on the right track, and especially in circumstances as yours we get doubts upon ourselves sometimes and sometimes we just get so overwhelmed by it, that every little thing, as your saying, makes us break down. But you just need to be strong, and have hope,ya know. N **** if you need to cry, CRY! Seriously, its healthy for you, and it will relive stress! Your just feeling overwhelmed, as anyone in your situation would, But you know what, it suxs so bad we have to go through this ****, especially when in college, cause u see all these people, freeloadin with there mommy and daddies money, n all the **** you dont have, and that they dont have to deal with, but truth is, in the end, we will be better for it, we will have more insight and knowledge into this world, this existence, this "reality" than them, ya know, And atleast for me, I rather have that, than be an ignorant drone, who's never gone through trials and tribulations in my life, ya know.? Well I wish you luck, i really do! I know how it is! STAY STRONG! You will get through this, your just terribly overwhelmed right now, and that can cause you to want to emotionally and physically shut down, but dont let it! Seriously! You dont want to end up like me, where it got to the point, where I couldnt even get up to pee. Yea Im serious, and its extremely embarrassing to admit, but its the ugly truth of true depression, and if you let these things over power you, you will end up isolating yourself completely and end up where I am, So STAY STRONG!!! I dont know what your problems at home are, but I've had to deal with my fair share ones tho that couldn't be ignored or avoided, but if you can, try to separate your self from that drama, the best you can, again, i dont know the circumstances, so that may not be an option. But this is one small part in your life, one hurdle to jump, things will get better, just stay strong!

- Sorry SO LONG! I just feel your pain, And hate seeing someone feeling as so.... And dont want NE ONE ELSE to go through or feel what i do everyday, ya know.Health Question & Answer

You may have adult-ADD. They have meds for focusing like Adoral (not sure of the spelling on that) but I'm sure being a junior, ah, you've heard of it. VERY addictive so be careful. Zoloft is also a good anti-depressant and also helps with focus. My wife has been taking it for almost a year and says it really helps with both. I personally think tramadol is excellent for pain, focus, and depression. also addictive, but what isn't if it works, right.? (no that's ok, we'd rather feel like crap :) ).... wow, I sound like a pill commercial. Drugs may not be the answer, but weed's not legal, YET. Hang in there!Health Question & Answer

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