I have been upset lately and i don't know what i should do?!

Question: I have been upset lately and i don't know what i should do.?
I have had to much free time on my hands. I thought i was over everything. I lost my mom in February of 2006 to a stroke. She was 45. I am not 17. I have tried therapy and seeing a Psychiatrist when it first happened but i don't care for it. I also tried the Solace house with kids my age who have lost a loved one. What would you suggest doing.? I thought it was getting easier but i have noticed it has been getting harder lately. I am coming close to graduation and going on to college and knowing she won't be here just upsets me. Health Question & Answer

You must have had a great relationship with your mother. That is something that will help you your whole life. I've lost people I love and have cried on and off for about a year. The more you love them, the harder it is to lose them. The gift she gave you was her love and that won't ever leave you. She would be proud of you for graduating and going to college. She would want you to be happy. You will always be her daughter and have your memories of her. In time, you will feel better. Don't be hard on yourself for missing her. I still miss people I love that have died too. But I'm glad that I had them at least for a while. God bless you. TravelerHealth Question & Answer

Take up a part time job to keep you busy. Worrying is a bad habit, you need to overcome it like any other bad habit. Try to modify the factors under your control, that is the only thing you can do. From http://mshn.org/worry.html
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