8 Year old may have bipolar?!

Question: 8 Year old may have bipolar.?
I have an 8 year old step daughter who may have been passed down the bipolar disease from her biological mother..What can i do to deal with her melt downs and can the school refer me to a doctor.?Health Question & Answer

It is possible that the gene for bipolar is in the family and your step daughter has early onset/pediatric bipolar disorder (not disease.) It is also possible she would have developed the disorder even if her mother had not been bipolar.

There is a great website for parents of bipolar kids where you can get a lot of information and also participate in forums with other parents at:
.?pagename=lrn_about" rel="nofollow">http://www.bpkids.org/site/PageServer.?pa...

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

First of all, Bipolar isn't a disease. It's not caused by a virus or bacteria. Its a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Second of all, she's 8 years old. She's still going to behave as children will behave. Punish her for her temper tantrums as you would any other child.

Thirdly, Bipolar Disorder can take years to develop and most of the time it isn't properly diagnosed. She hasn't hit puberty yet, which is when the onset of Bipolar disorder symptoms start to slowly show. Health Question & Answer

You will need to go through your family doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist. Do know that it will take more than one session to sort out what is going on with her. As well, with her being so young and there being a family history of mental illness, I would get a 2nd opinion.

As well, let her school counselor know.

For now, until you know what is going on, all you can do is reassure her and make sure that she knows she is loved and will be getting help so that she can learn to cope.Health Question & Answer

Although this is definitely a possibility that she has a high likelihood of getting the disorder, bipolar symptoms usually don't present until much later; after puberty. I would be cautious about a BP diagnosis so early since there has been a glut of misdiagnoses lately. Due, in part, to the new drugs available and the Dr's are getting some benefit from it. I also believe parents are way to quick on the dime to have their kid medicated. The BP drugs can have very significant side-effects, so be patient and cautious. And get more than one opinion.Health Question & Answer

OMG my neiphew has this as did my sister and he has such a hard time as he cannot sit still' he lashes out and it's hard for hm to concentrate.I called the mental health clinic myself and got him counseling and on meds now and he is doing so much better at times.He drank ink at school last week' and has been in the office at school for getting in trouble 20 times since the 3rd of september' as he is growing and had to get a dose raise on meds' and now he is doing good again.Mt sister killed herself ' and tried to poison him while she was pregnant so he has those problems from before he was born.I think with a therapist and meds and your love' she'll do just fine.I know its important to have a tight schedule as change is hard for bipolar folks..lots of luck.Health Question & Answer

i heard many times that kids that young don't have bipolar
i'd read more about it , also try to feed her healthy and make sure she sleeps plenty
read success stories on curezone.com and don't rush into giving
medicines, they are not for anyone under 18 and oftentimes make
them worse
take careHealth Question & Answer

is the bio mom dead.? or was there a divorce.? kids from broken homes and/or one of their parents die will have some problems its normal.
anyone telling you she's bipolar is a quack her brain hasn't developed yet she's just a kid who is having to deal with a lot of stress and issues that most adults can't handle. just be there for herHealth Question & Answer

Ask her pediatrician. He/she will have a child psychiatrist they refer to, know and work with.
I don't think it's prudent to tell the school anything unless the doctor OKs it first and a formal diagnosis has been made.Health Question & Answer

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