Predicting cyclothymia?!

Question: Predicting cyclothymia.?
is it possible that with cyclothymia that you can predict it like clockwork.? i believe my husband may have this. every month around the 21-27 he goes through this. everything will be fine, planning for the future, sent me flowers, etc and then all of a sudden he will find something i said and attack me for it and it eventually evolves into wanting to wanting a divorce within a matter of minutes. or he'll just start making little jabs at me to start a fight. then within a few days he will go back to normal like nothing ever happened. but ive been paying attention and i can almost predict when its going to happen and there seems to be nothing i can do to prevent it. i love him and would support him, but im not sure how to help him. Health Question & Answer

there is no real set pre determined cycle schedual that the illness follows. Though sometimes it can get into a consistant schedual....i know for my bipolar for a while was very consistant schedual independent of anything else.....though it did eventually change is no longer predictable. Could be predictable for you for a while, but dont count on it. If you are paying attention may also notice signs of going into an episode.

First though, you need to take care of you. You cant support him without some support yourself....will just completely drain you. Do you have a support system, see a therapist yourself.? Its a lot to take on an illness like that without support. I know some good message boards for bipolar, the one im on does have a lot of people that are spouses.....can get a lot of info from experience from both me if you want a link.

Second, what is he doing to help the situation.? is he seeing a psychiatrist and on meds.? Is he seeing a therapist.? If he isnt doing ALL of that he should be. You cant make anything work if he isnt doing his part.Health Question & Answer

See the BIPOLAR SUPPORTER website, in section 10, at (read the whole section, page O first) and create a mood chart for him, but if he is bipolar, it is a sign that his treatment needs revising.Health Question & Answer

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