Why did this happen...?!

Question: Why did this happen....?
i have a eating disorder..and yes im getting help i been in a impatient thing i go to therapy now twice a week since im out of the hospital...but my friends don't get..i can't relate to them i just feel so different from them because the hospital really changed me i don't worry about boys and school work because i had bigger stressor in my life but my friends are sorta imature to me now..why do i feel like this..why do i feel so alone in my battle for recovory..they think im all cured now that i went to the hospital..please helpHealth Question & Answer

Well, it sounds like you're a teenager. At your age, not many people have actually struggled all the way through defining their own self-worth. They're pretty much oblivious. That journey is something that occurs at a later age. That's why you feel like they're immature-- you have a large amount of experience that they're incapable of having without a crisis.

Give it a couple of years and those around you will start to catch up. In the meantime, a support group might help you feel less alone.Health Question & Answer

Its hard

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