Why am I having so many sexual thoughts?!

Question: Why am I having so many sexual thoughts.?
when I know I'm not ready to have sex.In my mind,I'm a real freak but physically I'm a virgin and won't have sex until marriage/It doesn't make sense to me.Is this normal at all.?Health Question & Answer

"readiness to have sex", within the psychological context, is a social control mechanism to prevent premarital sex and babies outside of wedlock. Truthfully, if you are in your teenage years, whether you are male or female, you are at your sexual peak. Your hormones are raging and evolutionarily speaking, you're likely in or nearing your prime reproductive years. Having sexual thoughts is completely normal and nothing to worry about. What is happening here is a conflict between what is biologically normal and socially and culturally acceptable. This is a conflict that many, if not all, humans in societies where sex is taboo and teenagers are treated like children will experience. You're not crazy or mentally ill and your thoughts are perfectly natural. If you choose to act on them, and there is nothing wrong with this, be responsible. Take care of yourself and respect both you and your partner(s).Health Question & Answer

Sure is very normal. If you were not feeling them feelings then I would think that is not normal. Everyone experiences sexual desires and frstrations. I commend you and respect that you are waiting till marriage. There are things you can do until then without jeapardizing your integrity.Health Question & Answer

happens to me
it's like your mind wants it, but your body knows the dangers of it
just don't let your mind control your body...and you should be okayy
oh and pray, of course
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