Why is it that when i get upset...?!

Question: Why is it that when i get upset....?
i want to throw everything I own away(i throw alot away sometimes and regret some of it) and dont want to accept anything from anyone anymore.? is anyone else ever like that.?Health Question & Answer

The previous poster had a good answer, but I'd like to add that there may be another reason you throw your stuff away. It could be that you're suffering from mildly masochistic tendencies. In other words, you don't feel that you deserve anything you have, and you don't deserve gifts or kindness from others, either. Whenever I want to throw away my things, it's for this reason: to punish myself because I feel unworthy.

It could also be that your spirit is broken, and you know that physical objects can't heal or comfort you. This is actually an important realization, because then you can figure out what will bring you solace. It's OK to take time away from others when you need it, but don't isolate for too long, or else your upset feelings will perpetuate themselves. Health Question & Answer

When you are upset you want to shut people out, this is why you won't accept things. You throw thing away for the same reason, these things either subconsciously or consciously remind you of people and you get rid of them to shut people out.Health Question & Answer

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