How can i cure my phobia?!

Question: How can i cure my phobia.?
Hi i am emetophobic and i really need to cure myself of this phobia, has anyone else overcome this phobia and how did they do it.?

Emetophobia is the irrational fear of vomiting, being around others who are vomiting

I shake, cry and run away from people who even make fake sick noises and cant stand to be near anyone who feels sick, i can however clean sick up which i have to do occasionally at work but i totally freak if ihear someone or see someone vomiting, i also cant watch it on TV either,

Any genuine help would be very greatfully received.Health Question & Answer

Hi and be proud that you have admitted you have this problem :o).It is the first step and the hardest, it will get easier !. The next big step is to go to your GP, or ask around your friends for a recommendation for a friendly , sympathetic one who will understand and offer you the help you need. The help may be medication to make you feel less anxious combined with a referral to a clinical psychologist for assessment. Cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) is often used and helps you realise that it is not the actual 'event' in itself that causes you anguish, but all the emotion and fears that surface when you encounter it. Often a phobia can be traced back to a traumatic event in the past,often in childhood . This memory can be stored, the event long forgotten and often only comes to light later in life , in my case it was something my sister said that explained where my phobia stemmed from, telling me about an event in my childhood that I had no conscious memory of at all ...the mind is amazing, and as children, the self preservation mechanism is strong but on a subconscious level and you can 'blot out' the memory. Hypnotherapy can be really useful , but please check carefully the therapists professional qualifications .

Thinking happy thoughts and pretending everything is fine will not make this go away although it may relax you and help you to cope and you are so right, I would not call this a phase !! :o)

The best, best site is, It made me realise that I am not alone and offers loads of practical advice, other emetophobes was a lifeline to me.
I hope that you find a really good friend that you can talk to, I know it can be really hard to find someone to understand exactly the depth of fear this particular phobia can bring and the ripple effect it has when it impacts on your life, friends, family.
I send you best wishes from the heart :o)
Zoe xHealth Question & Answer

I have the same and also IBS which at the moment I retch quite alot and panic. I am trying The Linden Method, hypnotherapy and Passiflora herbal to help with the anxiety and Valerian to help me sleep and chilled. I will keep an eye on this thread to see if anyone has good ideas. I am hoping my period of heightened anxiety is my body getting fed up with the illness and wants to get rid of this irrational fear. I mean the worst that can happen when you're sick is you feel better, the best thing- you feel better. It's a win win situation, but not in my brain and I'm over 40! Best of luckHealth Question & Answer

Sometimes these things can be a stage in life, and the phobia shows up when you're stressed.

All I can tell you [from personal experience of exactly the same thing as you are going through] is that it will get better. Just give it time, stop trying to think about it too much and letting it spoil your day to day living.

The phobia does go - I promise you!Health Question & Answer

I don't have a phobia but I do know the best way (and probably the only way) to overcome a fear is to face it. I would suggest going to a psychologist and have them help you over come your phobia.

Good Luck xxHealth Question & Answer

go to a psychiatrist there is no shame, i have seen psychiatrists for my own phobias

often you have to see more than one psychiatrist for best careHealth Question & Answer

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