How come mentally ill people?!

Question: How come mentally ill people.?
Can't see that they're not so well up there themselves, and have trouble getting jobs and they get picked on in School, why do they think that they are normal.Health Question & Answer


Having a mental illness shouldn't allow the so called "Normal" people to treat us like 2nd class citizens!

I have never had trouble getting jobs nor was I picked on in school.

My 3 children aren't picked on in school either. They go to Charter Schools. This type of abuse is NOT tolerated there!

You would be surprised at all the people who have Mental Illness - Patty Duke, Jennifer Holiday, Sinead O'Connor, Brooke Shields & others.

It is people like yourself that make statements like the one you made. You are uninformed and uneducated.

Health Question & Answer

When one is young and has a mental illness they and/or their parents might not be aware. People pick on them@school because kids are mean and really don't know any better. Mental illness comes in different forms and if treated correctly one can live a happy lifestyle w/o having any dramatic episodes. People that are mentally ill don't just become mentally ill they have been like that throughout their entire life so to them they are normal.

Just because someone is mentally ill or isn't like you doesn't mean something is wrong with them.

Health Question & Answer

I have a mental health problem but i don't believe i am not normal.
I have worked my whole life since the age of 12. I lived in another country and worked too. At the moment i am not working as my mental health has deteriorated and i cant really function so well. Although i am working in bettering myself and hoping that soon i will be back at work. I was never picked on at school either. I went through a bad time as a child, the result i have mental health problems.

Not everyone with a mental health problem struggle with day to day life and working etc, sometimes we have our struggles and other times we cope pretty well. Just like EVERYONE else in the world.

The people who don't work only a small number of them actually have a mental health problem.Health Question & Answer

i have a mental illness , but yet i know it and take regular medication , i find the people that dont think they do , of course have bigger problems and i guess just dont want to face it and come to terms with it i also find people with a mental illness that take drugs , pot ect seem to not realise it either because of the different chemicals put into the brainHealth Question & Answer

Because it is a MENTAL problem! It is in their brain where the problem is, and if that is where the problem is, how could someone with a dysfunction in the brain possibly know that it is dysfunctional.? Health Question & Answer

Who says they aren't normal.? There are a lot more people with mental health issues that maybe don't stand out like your example.
For the answer I would say because its the way they are and they know no other way.Health Question & Answer

all are interested to analyse the attitude and charecter of others.
first one should analyse and understand once own attitude and behaviour............Health Question & Answer

Most people with disorders do not realize they have a problem,they believe everyone else does.Health Question & Answer

because their minds do not necessarily make the right connections in order for them to have self-awareness.Health Question & Answer

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