PTSD? Could I have it?!

Question: PTSD.? Could I have it.?
I returned from Iraq in June 07, after serving almost 8 months. My main MOS was artillery, we also did convoy security, patrols, and EOD. More than once an IED detonated near my vehicle, or within 100ft of it. I am responsible for the faceless killing of other human beings, and thier property, as they do not tell you what your shooting at in Artillery, but just that you need to shoot.

I sometimes feel I am bored, the "suicide" thought has crossed my mind, under the guise of "That will make my problems go away", and I generally have no interest in other human contact, in a deep sense. I can conversate all day long, but holding a meaningful conversation usually annoys me. I have a very short temper, and I see the dark side of everything. For example, I wonder why people in traffic are always "me me me" and nearly causing a wreck.? That seems pointless to me.

On the other hand, I love to laugh, and I have a great sense of humor. I enjoy online gaming, movies, and live bands.

I'm not entirely sure i have PTSD, because outwardly, I am physically the same person, i still eat just as much, and I work in a public place. What makes me consider this is that I was reading another question on Yahoo Answers, and its been over a year. Maybe its time to finally come to terms with this.?

I write this, fully expecting at least one ignorant comment. This is the kind of misanthropy I generally exhibit. Is it me or is it society.? Surely things cannot be as bleak as I percieve them.?Health Question & Answer

I wish I could lean through the computer and give you a hug that would restore your faith in humanity. A clinical diagnosis of PTSD would encompass many of the symptoms you describe. The experiences you have lived through would make any man question their purpose. It is only natural that you see frustration of others in a simple traffic jam as meaningless. I strongly recommend that you see somebody who can deal with your confusion and temper in a meaningful way. Ask your GP if they can refer you to somebody who specialises in PTSD. Physically being the same person is very different to emotionally being the same person. I urge you to find that spark of humanity in yourself and in others that will restore your sense of self determination. You sound like an intelligent person who is worth the effort to keep around. xoHealth Question & Answer

it is highly likely given the situation you have been in, i would basically advise you to see you GP and get a proper diagnosis, this can be easy to sort out with some CBT.

i would also advise you to do it sooner rather than later.
i have PTSD and i left it for years and mind has manifested.Health Question & Answer

hey- if you think you have ptsd, then i have a suggestion for you. it's a fairly new kind of therapy called E.M.D.R. it's supposed to help with post traumatic stress disorder. my therapist did some research on it and the success rate it really good and it cannot hurt. basically, you go through a session and you relive memories and deal with issues that have not been resolved in your past. this is all happening at a fast pace while you are being distracted by following the person's hands to keep focused. i think it's really interesting and you could benefit from it. here's the link to it on wikipedia-

good luck and i hope everything works out!Health Question & Answer

At first when I came back I had some trouble too. I still jump at loud noises. I ended up depressed from having and dealing with anxiety ptsd. So they gave me antidepressants adn all over the sudden whoa! anxiety popped up like mad. So they added something for that. then i was fine and back into life. also therapy and thinking about stuff helped. Just talking it all through. Trying to make normal decisions even trying to chit chat, which I so desparately hated at one time.Health Question & Answer

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