I have an IMPORTANT mental question.....? ?!

Question: I have an IMPORTANT mental question......? .?
Is it possible that a person with psychological something be able to fix it herself.?.? I'm asking this because I think I have develop a psychological problem(.?) because i think i didn't face the problems in the past that caused me HUGE worries, false perceptions and a lot more. and now my problem is that I THINK i developed psychological problem.. I want to know if its possible to fix it on my own..

Please stop telling go to a doctor blabla i already know that! I just want to know if its possible for a person herself to fix it. thankyou:)
Health Question & Answer

It depends on what type of psychological problem you're talking about.

If it's psychological "issues", then it may be possible to work through your problems through research and educating yourself on self-help treatments. Larger bookstores (Barnes and Nobles, Books-a-Million) often have a wide variety of self-help books on various issues and they will order any book for you that they don't have in stock. You can also do research online and join support groups for your problems. There are many excellent websites that offer good information and help, and many have an online community group where you can receive support and help from others.

But if you are talking about a mental disorder/disease, then you will not be able to successfully treat it on your own. It is a medical condition that will require the help of a physician (whether a psychiatrist or your general physician). Disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. will require medical intervention and can (and probably will) worsen over the years if you don't seek treatment now.Health Question & Answer

I think I have post traumatic stress disorder. I read a book and felt so. But I knew it from before that I have so and so probs which I had to overcome. And I have by myself (own efforts) worked half of it. And the rest half I`ll have to overcome. So I hope you can too. What I am doing is reading a lot more on this and working on myself. And like I said even before I knew abt it, I knew I have these probs and I worked on some myself and those are already ok. You can too. Best of luck.

I am having this from may be year 2000 onwards and started working it out myself from 2006 and I am half done, and just 1 day back I read a book and could figure out the name of the disorder. And I am hoping to overcome the rest of it soon. Good luck to you!Health Question & Answer

Even with a psych. or a therapist the problem is yours to fix. If YOU don't work on it in your own head/mind/heart you are wasting your money.

**edit**Kristi is absolutely correct about if it is not just "issues". Some problems are truly medical conditions and need actual medical care the same as if you were dibetic or had a heart condition.Health Question & Answer

I think it to be highly unlikely. Just how objective can you be about your own perceptions.? Especially ones that arouse strong emotions.? It is ALWAYS a good thing to have a second opinion.
Clarence Darrow, a famous lawyer, said that a lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client. It has to do with objectivity. Health Question & Answer

I'm sure that you can help yourself with certain problems,BUT its Better to have the assistance of a counselor who knows about the psychological problems and has experience treating people.
best of luck
(cc)Health Question & Answer

Its possible for some people to be able to get healthy by themselves. Its very hard work but it also depends on how severe the case is.Health Question & Answer

It's probably possible, but it depends how severe and deep the problem(s) are.Health Question & Answer

Many times it is very possible!! It sounds like you are already in the process. Congrats to you!!Health Question & Answer

I am going to speak to you from a woman who has mental issues. I don't believe that you have to have medical help as long as you have a support system. What I mean by this is someone that you can trust and you can confide in. Someone you can tell what is wrong with you and how you feel and get good suggestions that can help you. You can even be in a shut down mold like I get into sometimes where you cannot speak but they know you so well that they know and feel your pain. This way they can maybe not understand but have some sort of understanding of what your going threw. At least trying to understand helps a great deal. When you get out of that shut down mold let them know why you cant speak when your in that.

See I have a wonderful husband that is very supportive. I was told for many years the only way I was going to be able to cop with life is to be medicated. That isn't true at all. I have not been medicated in over 3 years now. I am more happier than I ever been in my life. My husband is very supportive and he talks to me and I trust him with my life. I can tell him things that I would never tell a doctor because they would lock me up in a mental hospital and probly throw away the key for life. But my husband is wonderful like I said, he supports me and tries to understand as much as possible. My husband will keep trying to talk to me to let me know he is there when ever I decide I want to talk. When i get in my shut down mold I just can't speak. No matter how much I might want to..This is something I have to do on my own to bring myself out of it. I need him by letting me know he is there for me.

sometimes I feel like I am drifting out to sea. His voice can pull me back close enough to surface that keeps me from getting lost. He talks to me and tells me he loves me and that he is here. He will say he understands what I am going threw and he is here for me when I am ready to talk. Then I talk to him when I can speak. I tell him what I see, hear, and feel. I tell him that I try to talk but I can't. I tell him that I want to get threw it but I don't know how. He works with me by helping me deal with things.

Now if you do not have this it is best you get outside help like threw a doctor. Because you can get caught up in feeling, pain, sorrow, and frustration and get lost. You need someone who can keep you close enough from getting lost. there is nothing wrong drifting as long as you have a life support. That would be someone you can completely trust to talk to and explain what your feeling. Some you don't have to worry will they try to have you locked up somewhere. Strangers can also be of help. Someone who don't know you but is willing to listen to you. I am willing to be there for you because I know exactly what you might be going threw. If you would like to talk. I mean really talk and explain what you feel, see, and hear, I will listen. I will help you get yourself where you have to be without being medicated on drugs that most of the time make you feel worse in the long run. Nobody should want to feel that the sky can fall on top of their head and they wouldnt care. That is not living at all. Believe me it might be hard at first but please I beg of you, if you don't have anyone, please consider talking to me. I want to help and I don't want no harm to come to you by anyone.

I wish you so much luck. I hope you at least consider what I am saying. You deserve to have support and I am willing to be that brick wall to lean against until you no longer need me. Heck one day I might need you. You never know! I might come to you and say, I need help will you help me.? See it wouldn't be in vein. A friendship can come out of this. A good friendship because we can learn about each other in ways most people don't learn when they are face to face. We could have a special friendship that could grow.

You can contact me any time on my e-mail address. I will give them all to you. Just in case you need or want to talk to me about anything. I am here just remember that!

Trina1969B@yahoo.coHealth Question & Answer

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