I hate my life, it's so tiring. I want to die. I hate everything about life, I keep getting bullied by this boy in the year above. I'm so tired of my life!Health Question & Answer

Think of your goals like traveling, seeing your brother or sister, cousins, or nieces and nephews having kids getting married. Think of all the things that you would miss if you did kill yourself. Tell a counselor that your think of committing suicide. It is unhealthy and the bully tell a teacher i know that it sounds like the oldest answer to a problem there is but they can help. As for your life being tiring take a vacation like thanksgiving is coming up at that time really just think and get your priority's in order think of what you want to achieve, and get a physiologist. They will help with the depression you feel! Best of luck AND PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WILL BE THE WORST MISTAKE YOU MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Health Question & Answer

You don't hate yourself. You hate the boy that bullies you. When you can't stand for yourself, you must find someone to stand for you.

These are the people that you could probably rely on:

1. Your parents.
2. Your friends.
3. Your teachers.
4. The bully hotline. (can always try that one)
5. The police if it getstoo serious.

Bullies are actually a wimp. They can't do anything other than bullying but I believe you must have something that is far better than him. Be positive about life. Bullies are wuss ants that like to take on other people. You have your right to be yourself. Stand tall and don't be afraid of them cause they are stupid themselves. Tell them that you don't like what they're doing to you. Tell them that you'll tell someone else about this if they try to pick on you again. Tell them that you'll make sure that he won't get a chance to continue studying/working in the school/office. They bully you because they thought that you would obey them but once you rebel against them, they'll leave you alone. Health Question & Answer

EVERYONE with a soul feels like this sometime in their life. Congratulations! You have a soul!!! Now know this, you do not own your life. You have control over a lot of things in your life, like your decisions, reactions and attitude. You do NOT have control over when and how your life ends. Even if you do make a suicide attempt - whether you succeed or fail will have nothing to do with your efforts. Health Question & Answer

You really should talk to someone about how you feel. I noticed talking about how I feel and what's going on helps me feel better. Start hanging out with friends or be around people you enjoy being around with. Go somewhere that you enjoy going, like the mall or go see a funny movie (nothing serious). Sometimes seeing a funny movie even if it's not in theaters helps. It helps me. Write down how you feel in a journal. Play a game online or with a friend. Just do something fun. Normally just by keeping your mind occupied and not on suicide, normally helps you feel better (it does for me). Take care of yourself. If you feel you are immediate danger of killing yourself, call 911 or go to the nearest ER and tell them you want to die and are planning on killing yourself. They will help you. I've done this a couple of times before when I was suicidal and they were helpful. I'm glad I'm still here and didn't commit suicide. There is so much to live for! Email me if you want, if I don't reply quickly, I won't be on till Monday (since I don't have internet at home and using my college computer). Hang in there, things do get better.

colorfulgirl29@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

Do NOT kill yourself. Suicide is never the answer. Try to set with someone new at lunch or something. Email old friends. See a counselor at school. Tell your parents that your unhappy. Just don't kill your self. Think about how people you know, family and friends, would react if you killed yourself. See if there is an anonymous tip line for your school and report the kid that is bullying you.Health Question & Answer

Hi. Please don't kill yourself. The way to beat a bully is to continue to live, and eventually, live well so that you can rub his nose in it,lol.
if he's bothering you offline you will have to let some adults you trust know. Your parents and the councilor at school are a start. If its online, check this out:
also, you might want to talk to some people here about your problems.
http://www.nineline.org/Health Question & Answer

Please do not kill yourself. There is nothing I can do to stop you, but know that suicide it a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You can get rid of the problem by telling someone about your bully. Get well soon and take my advice!Health Question & Answer

I had this problem last year. If you kill yourself, you deny yourself a chance at everything, and you let the bully win. And, your parents. Suicide is the worst thing for a kid to do to their parents. Please, don't kill yourself.Health Question & Answer

Do you have 2 loving parents, or even one .? Do you have a roof over your head and food to fill your stomach .?
Do you have fresh water to drink, or a chance of a good education .?.?
Consider what you do have, and then figure out if life is all that bad after all.Health Question & Answer

tell a parent of teacher about the bullying.
suicide isnt the answer, but if you think it is its your eternal decision.
you will end up in hell for the rest of eternity. life gets better when you choose to make it better.Health Question & Answer

Someone would be terribly upset. I'm sure your family and friends LOVE you very much and it would be a horrible thing to do to them. Go talk to someone about it! Health Question & Answer

Have you told anyone about the bully.? You need to.

Talk to a parent, a teacher or a counselor as soon as possible.

This group can help with depression: www.teloscenter.comHealth Question & Answer

life is too short to care about dumb stuff like getting bullied.Health Question & Answer

IT COULD BE WORSEHealth Question & Answer

Go to a 3rd world country then come back here....See if you want to kill yourself then...
It could be A LOT worse.Health Question & Answer

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