I have like panic attacks when I think about death?!

Question: I have like panic attacks when I think about death.?
I know this is going to sound really dumb, but I have this big fear of death, My dad died on Valentine's day 07, so, ever since then, when I think about death, I start having these panic attack like episodes, most of the time, I just get worked up, and I start to breath a bit funny. But there's been times, when I've gotten so worked up over them, I like start to cry hard, hyperventalt, shake, and I'm unable to control myself. I know I shouldn't fear death. But I am afraid, and these 'panic attacks' are becoming for frequent. Any advice.?Health Question & Answer

Oh, you just told my story. I also have panic and anxiety disorder as well as clinical depression. When I had my panic attacks it seemed like I was having a heart attack. My mind was like a time bomb about to explode from all the negative thinking going on between my two ears.

After the first couple attacks I was convinced I was just like my father in the way because he had multiple heart attacks when he was so young. I would describe my FEAR as paralyzing.

I wasn't under the care of a good psychiatrist at the time. I started going to one and realized the only way I was going to get over the fear was walking through it. I hit my bottom and got sick and tired of being sick and tired of these panic attacks. I personally schedule a appointment with a cardiologist to make darn sure I didn't have any heart problems and die. I opted to have a heart cauterization. It was performed years ago and to date my heart is fine.

To be honest, I still struggle with fleeting thoughts about death now and then, but nothing like I had.

One last thing is by telling your mom (or anyone else) it's like telling on this disease. Please realize that panic and anxiety disorders and clinical depression are diseases. Seek some type of help and be free from the prison this disease has locked you. Good luck and God Bless!!!!Health Question & Answer

Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.
But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!
Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

Extracted from Source.Health Question & Answer

first off, nobody ever died of a panic attack.when you feel the attack coming on take deep breaths and observe the emotions that you're feeling,just do that, observe them,where do you feel these emotions.?continue taking deep breaths, continue observing.Do these emotions have shape.?colour.?..continue observng,breathing.
At most a panic attack last 4 mins,then dies away.Nobody, nobody ever died of a panic attackHealth Question & Answer

Is an intense fear of something that poses no actual danger. While adults with Thanatophobia realize that these fears are irrational, they often find that facing, or even thinking about facing, the feared situation brings on a panic attack or severe anxiety.

Treatment Options:
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Energy Psychology.

Health Question & Answer


My heart goes out to you. I also think that it is good to deal with the fear of death, if done in the right way. I think the way to overcome the fear is to have a right relationship with God. Then you can get an assurance from Him that when you do die, as we all will, that He will receive you safe in Heaven and that you won't be spending eternity in hell.

May I recommend this site for the answer on how to have a right relationship with God, and ultimately gain the freedom from fear that you seek:


With kind regards.Health Question & Answer

Everybody dies. It's not a bad thing, just part of of life. I don't know what you think or how religious you are, but here's my opinion. There is a heaven, we all choose to come down and experience certain things. You can't know what it's like to play baseball until youn play it. You can't know what it's like if to be pregnant if you don't give birth. You don't know what it's like to have cancer until you experience it. Everything happens for a reason, death is just another part of life. Have fun while your here, the rest will work it self out.Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel.
Honestly, I think everybody can relate somewhat.

Nobody wants to die. It's such a scary and terrifying unknown.

If you are religious, you can get involved in your church and discuss your fears with other people.

If you are not, the worst that death can be compared to is a dreamless sleep.
You won't know you're dead. Once you're dead, it's not as if you'll be missing anything.

I try to not think about it. Just enjoy life as it comes.
You should be focused on living life, not what happens after.
Try talking about it with an adult in your life. Usually they can help.

I hope you feel better and stop worrying so much.
Enjoy your life.
(:Health Question & Answer

Just be happy that you are alive, your father wouldn't want you to be worrying about when you are going to die, he wants to see that you are happy and enjoying your life.
Just be happy you are here to ask this question...
I am assuming you have good health..think about the people out there that are on there death beds and were TOLD they are going to die...just think about that hun..Health Question & Answer

It's probably a little bit normal to be experiencing that after someone close died, but you should try and tell a doctor, or your mom.Health Question & Answer

i don't know how to stop it but i think its probably normal because if you dad died it probably traumatized you.Health Question & Answer

stop thinking about it...do something else..get your mind off it ..you're making yourself nuts so just think of something else .....Health Question & Answer

See a psychologist. Health Question & Answer

try to stop thinking about death Health Question & Answer

like this..
See a psychologist. Health Question & Answer

Go to a doctor. Tell him what's going on. Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a case of existential anxiety.but it could also be how you are delaing with the loss of your father. Anxiety and panic are actually human coping mechanism's so everytime you think of death may bring up grief about your father and puts you into a panic. When i lost my grandfather it hit me hard. Now whenever i'm at a funeral for someone that was sort of an aquatiance it brings up feelings of my grandfather and i cry like a fountain. How to deal with panic attacks, i'd say practice deep breathing and constantly saying to yourself statements like ''i am ok'' ''i will be strong'' etc pretty much anything thats carming for you. also cutting of the bad thoughts in their tracks may work but if your anything like me it's not easy when your in the heat of a panic attack, but if you are carm and catch yourself thinking about death just say to yourself ''switch'' and think about something else if you can. If you can't you may need to consider anti anxiety medication like valium but if it persists you may need to go on ssri's. Above all if it persists tlak to your doctor and a psychologist and they will run you through the things you have to do. Take careHealth Question & Answer

All those answers like " go see a psychologist" are good but it seems here like you REALLY need to listen to me. I have had those... mine lasted for 4 hours... shakes, cries, cold sweats, hot sweats, fears... and it snow balls once you begin to think about what youre scared of.

I AM seeing a psychologist, but I suggest you also go to your doctor... the best thing I have been given is anti anxiety pills... it doesn't mean your crazy but it allows you to not have those VERY SCARY panic attacks. I know how they feel... they feel like you're dying. If they come on and you DONT have drugs ... I was told to do this... breathe in for four seconds and HOLD for four second... breathe out for four seconds HOLD and breathe in etc etc... the reason youre having those physical symptoms is because youre breathing too fast... and by holding your breathe it allows your body to calm and balance oxygen and carbon dioxide. Trust me I just went through a month of straight panic attacks every night... and if you ever need to ... e mail me... k.? dont hesitate
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