Can someone tell be about LSD Please?!

Question: Can someone tell be about LSD Please.?
Right, I've never tried it or anything. And I don't want too....

But I just wanna ask a few questions. Just cause its always been something I've wanted to know about.

What side affects.?
Is It addictive.?
How much is it.?
Where do you get it from.?
Is it illigal.?

Thanks, this probubly sounds like I'm a right druggie. Hahahhaha.Health Question & Answer

Despite what you hear, LSD isn't really that dangerous. It's a very intense experience, and abusing it can cause problems like any other drug, from heroin to caffiene. But people who use LSD occassionally don't usually experience any side effects at all. In a very small minority of people, they may experience "flashbacks." But most people who experience flashbacks had some form of mental health issue before they took LSD. Obviously if you have mental health issues, it's best to avoid any sort of drug - even sugar. If you are in a bad state of mind when you take it, you can also have a bad trip, which can be distressing. But if you have good people around, sometimes they can help you come out of a bad trip. And obviously, taking it when you feel good will usually avoid the problem in the first place.

LSD is not addictive. It's not the sort of drug you could take every day - the brain develops a very strong tolerance to it for the next day or two after you take it, so taking it again within 24 hours wouldn't do anything. Basically, it's not actually possible to take it frequently enough to become addicted.

A tab of LSD usually costs $4-11, depending on it's strength. Microdots cost more, usually $10-20. A bottle of liquid acid will set you back several hundred dollars.

LSD is one of those drugs where you kind of have to "know a guy." Sometimes you can find it being sold at raves or other big parties. A lot of dealers who have marijuana and magic mushrooms will be able to get a hold of it for you.

Yes, LSD is illegal in most countries.

I really think that most people who think that LSD is such a terrible drug have never done it, or haven't talked to someone who has. LSD is actually NOT an invented drug. In developed countries, we make it synthetically, but it does exist in some forms in nature. Tribes in the Amazon have used it for ceremonies and community building for centuries. It's no more synthetic than the added calcium in your cereal.

When used responsibly, LSD is not a harmful drug. If used iresponsibly or excessively, like any other drug, it can have nasty mental effects.Health Question & Answer

The side effects are debated. For a long time people have talked about flashbacks, but that has fallen into the category of 'may not be true'. There really isn't any evidence that LSD causes flashbacks. I can give you a play by play. You taken the LSD. You start to trip after about an hour. 2 to 3 hours in you peak where you are the highest you will get. Then it slowly starts to wear off. After like 12 hours the stuff wears off completely and you get extremely depressed. because your brain has used up all of its serotonin. You also will not be able to fall asleep for the same reason.You cannot become physically addicted to LSD because if you take it, then take it again the next day it will have no effect. You have to wait like 3 or 4 day in between trips. You can be psychologically addicted to anything in the world. From cheese burgers to picking your nose to LSD. This stuff is very illegal. Where I live you get prison, not jail, prison because LSD is classified as a dangerous drug. There is a guy in a prison in my town doing 10 years in prison for having a few hits of LSD.Health Question & Answer

Yep, very illegal, very cheap, approx 3 to 5 quid depending on seller, strength etc. Call them tabs but are peices of thick paper which is why potency varies as the paper is unevenly inpregnated sometimes, does come in liquid form but this can be dodgy as people over do it. I notice you did'nt ask if it's dangerous, ie overdose. Not something that really happens but overdosing can leave some mentally fried.
Side effects; paranoia, depression, anxiety, general psychosis. A bad experience can take a while to shake off. Buy it.? Usually from someone who can't get their **** together, make wild claims about experiences and global affairs especially likes conspiracy theory's and is going nowhere fast in life.Health Question & Answer

Side affects: Paranoia, and don't take it if you are sad. The drug exaggerates the mood you are in; if you are sad while taking it, you'll probably end up killing yourself.

Addictive: Nope, not addictive

Cost: For 1 tab it can cost anywhere from

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