Have you ever attempted to end your life?!

Question: Have you ever attempted to end your life.?
Seeing as there are quite a few questions by people apparently feeling suicidal, I was just wondering if there's anyone on here who's attempted to kill themself and failed (obviously!). I sometimes have periods where I struggle with suicidal feelings, and would be interested to hear what drove you to actually act on the feelings, how you felt after etc.

Thanks in advance for any replies xHealth Question & Answer

Just answer the question, people! It's not like she's asking for advice, she's asking for info...

I attempted suicide about a year ago. I overdosed on about 50 Ultram pills and ten shots of alcohol, which definitely would have killed me. But in some ways I guess I didn't really expect to die, because I called my sister after taking the pills; this meant that my family knew and they were eventually able to track me down. (I had run away). I was dragged to the ER where they made me drink charcoal and gave me some medications, then put me in the ICU and then into the mental health unit. After that I swore two things- 1) that I would never attempt suicide again unless I really had tried every option and had given it time 2) that next time I did it I would succeed at it.

Since then I've definitely had suicidal thoughts and moments but I never actually tried anything again. How I felt afterward... awful. There wasn't any kind of feeling of rebirth or relief, I just felt more depressed than ever. I think the key word is indifference. I just felt numb, beyond pain, *completely* indifferent as to whether I lived or died. The one thing that was interesting was my perception of time. For the weeks following the attempt, I felt in control in a way I never had before. I guess my thought process was- "I can kill myself anytime, so none of the pain I'm going through now matters." Even if I knew I wasn't going to attempt it again anytime soon, somehow my attempt liberated me in some ways, like I felt like there was an escape if I chose to use it. Just knowing I could escape if I wanted to made me feel better

Not that I'm advocating it! I'm still having trouble, so obviously attempting suicide didn't fix my problems. But it was an interesting side effect :)

And as for what actually drove me to do it, it was a huge combination of things. There were lots of things that led up to it. Part of it was fear about the future- I was about to graduate college, and I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was feeling overwhelmed in school. (My parents had always pushed me very hard, and when I learned for the first time that I wasn't going to get a 4.0 and be the perfect student, I lost it). I was miserable socially- I was upset about still being a virgin at 21 and I had a lot of trust issues, as most of my best friends before betrayed me. I was horribly lonely.

The deciding moment came when my parents ridiculed me. My mom acted like my problems weren't real ("Oh, it's just depression that's making you say that"), and FYI, there is nothing worse than someone telling you your pain isn't real. Then my dad rolled his eyes in scorn when I told him aI couldn't do my paper that was due the next day. These are what really threw me over the edge- it was after these two things that I actually went upstairs and took the pills. My parents are both doctors but it shows you how little even some doctors know about mental helath :(

Sorry for rambling, hope this answers your question, and good luck with your depression. Wish me the same!Health Question & Answer

I haven't tried but I have come dangerously close on various occasions.

The pain seems too much to bear and you're just desperate for the pain to stop. I struggle to breathe and feel suffocated by life and when the darkness takes me, its hard near damn impossible to stop it.

I've sat ready to hang/suffocate/drown myself and its hard to explain what has stopped me from going through with it. I know family, friends and not letting them down/hurting them should stop me but that isn't what you think about near the end. All you want is to stop hurting and death is the only way you can ever see that happening.

I guess the things that have stopped me is wanting more. Knowing I have more to give and wanting to beat the pain and become somebody. The darkness does eventually lift to give you that bit of clarity you need to stop yourself.

For times when I am low though, you can generally feel the dark coming for you - or at least I can, I try and consume myself in things I love - running, writing, upbeat music, anything to stop it taking me over and breaking me.

I also use these great self help cds/books by a guy called Anthony Robbins - you can get cheap copies off ebay and they help my thought patterns immensley.
also I head to a great site full of information and support. The forum especially is fantastic as there are people there, trained and otherwise who you can talk to and know how you're feeling.

I hope you find the peace you deserve xHealth Question & Answer

I would just like to say that suicide is not always because a person is a coward.
Some people can't control what they do and are not in the right state of mind.
From experience I know it was not something I thought about it was something that came from deep inside the soul.
If some one is serious about suicide they usually go of alone and do it without even thinking about telling anybody.
Saying that you must try to overcome your feelings of suicide as life will have it's happier times.
I hope you keep receiving the help you need to over come this situation.
Health Question & Answer

I know that life can get EXTREMELY hard but I just think of it like this... If God wanted to end my life wouldn't he have done it.? So if I am stilll living then I have something to do here on this earth whether it is in 5 minutes or 30 years later. As long as I do what I needed to do because I feel everyone was placed on this earth for a reason. God Bless you and I hope that you do get better and pray about it becausse God is listneing and most people say they don't hear his voice but if you really take the time and actually listen you will feel his presence and realize he has been talking to you all along.Health Question & Answer

I tried to hang myself. Failed, obviously.

I have cyclothymia, and I was going through a particularly difficult depressive episode. I was self-harming several times a day, locked inside my room, lights off, ignoring everyone, alternating between crying and staring at the walls.

Afterwards, I felt more shame than I've ever felt in my life.Health Question & Answer

Don't do it.. i've had an instance like this.. it made me realise how in control of my life i was so i stopped and realised i could do somethig about it all.. just relax and read this important qoute that has helped me through alot of crap

"Just as a storm has no power to destroy the sky, unpleasant feelings have no power to destroy our mind."Health Question & Answer

most people i know and myself have felt this way some time in our lives, when things are against us but that for me that was years ago,since then have gone through a divorce,family splits, out of work ,debt and so on, but decided that life has to go on, glad I did not do it, after all the stress, have had many years of happiness, new family,holidays I thought i could never afford and have, it all can change accept the ups and downs of life. the reward for me and every body are well worth waiting for, now coming towards my 64 birthday
,and enjoying life, Never Give Up
Health Question & Answer

last year i was feeling so useless and full of guilt when my father died i just let it build up until i lost control and tried ending it all, obviously it failed but the attention after it like family and friends being upset and all that it made me think i may be helping my self but hurting others so i had to find away to get through it and i did i saw a councillor and psychiatrist it took months but it was worth it at the end of the day now 1 year on im engaged to my beautiful gf and just bought a house i hold my head up high not let anything get me down live life to the full believe in your self u can do it also please don't be scared to go to your doctor for help it will be fine i hope you feel better soon take care Health Question & Answer

Twice. First time, a massive overdose whilst suffering from melancholia. Very nearly died in hospital. Second time, jumped in the river in the middle of winter in a semi-flood whilst experiencing fluoxetine-induced akathisia. Again, nearly died, but was rescued by a boat.

I'm now on a complicated regimen of psychiatric medication, including lamotrigine (for treatment-resistant depression) which has been a life-saver for me.

How do I feel now.? Like a survivor.

For those people who think suicide is cowardly, believe me, it's a lot scarier than living ..Health Question & Answer

I would see a doctor. There is NO reason why suicide is the answer. My friend's dad killed himself and she was all jacked up after that. You need help, don't be afraid to get some help. Please for your family and friends that love you and care......there is always another way out besides death.Health Question & Answer

Never .Think of all the heart rending agony you will leave behind your death .also there are a lot of people in the world worse of than you. think of all the positive contributions you could make to others less fortunate than you think positive not negativeHealth Question & Answer


they may be times were i have put my life at risk, like fireworks, and explosions, jumping off things, all that crap. etc

but not suicidal, like knife+artery/neckHealth Question & Answer

I tried to kill myself once.
I've never tried to do it again, but have had suicidal feelings.
It is good that you are receiving treatment.Health Question & Answer

Ade, get some help hun. Don't attempt it again, your still here for a reason. Get your self some help, try the Samaritans like you suggested. My thoughts are with you xxHealth Question & Answer

Ive tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide 5 times it just feels like your worthless your life is some big great chasm you're at the bottom of and there's no way up.Health Question & Answer

No, but I know a guy who did. He never attempted again though, thank God.Health Question & Answer

no i never done that.Health Question & Answer

twiceHealth Question & Answer

i FEEL sucidal at times, but i've never tried attempting it. don't have the guts to do so.Health Question & Answer

Hi pink cupcake,

I have lost count of the many attempts I have tried in the past and present to take my own life. Am very deeply unhappy, and at 16 took a near fatal overdose cos of an ex and how they treated me. Then at 18 I did the same and ended up being sectioned in hospital.

My current mind as I write to you is suicidal as I have just received texts from my Dad, saying I am disgusting and he wants me out his life for good. I am attempting to try and get some help from others on here and may decide to ring Samaritans tonight. xxxx
EDIT: @mara- stupid thing to say. Cowardly people. Please. There is clearly a LOT you have to learn about mental illness.Health Question & Answer

periods huh,
seems like you suffer from PMS
it's ok loads of girls do. i do.
it vairies though
search pms on google or go on www.bbc.co.uk/slink theres a little menu on the left saying sex,relationship etc and click on A-Z of you. it might be in thereHealth Question & Answer

Only COWARDLY people take their life

Perhaps what I should have said only Cowards THINK about taking lifeHealth Question & Answer

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