Question: Abused by mom KINDA LONG BUT PLEASE READ!.?
Omg please help me! I am abused by my mother and it has started when my parents were fighting about life and she got so stressed she would take it out on me. my parents divorced when i was 3 or 4 and i have been abused ever since! My mom is a ******* *****! and im NOT afraid to say it! Because there are so many words that describe her. So many. I finally got the guts to post this question because i guess yahoo answers is full of nice people so i hope you all feel my pain... my mom would always curse around me and always curse at me and about me. She would hit me with hangers, belts, she would pull on me, kick me, punch me, and she made my head split in one spot once! I would curse at her behind her back because now I am just used to it. and sometimes she would not care if she heard. sometimes she would even go mental. I am so pissed at my cousin and dad. My dad promised to help but he doesnt. He had stroke in 2005 and he recovered but he is clumsy messy and isnt always a lot of help. I wish this never happned to him but it seems that it makes my chances of help die out. My cousin, because she lived with us for sometime... and when my mom took out a hanger once my cousin was giggeling and smiling when i kept on getting whipped and i would keep crying to my mom will it hurt.?.?.?.?!.?!.?! but she would fake laugh and say yes! of course. Plus my cousin is a ***** too. She doesnt help she just smurks to herself but i see her. My mom always gets mad and goes beating me i really wish i would hit her back but im afraid she will hit me more if shes close to me. I tried to tell my aunt and unkle when i was at their house with my dad. my dad said he would help me tell them, i try to explain but my dad keep defending my mom and saying i know you... you would always do this and that. He doesnt live with me and he thinks he knows so much. but he doesnt know the whole story of my mom no matter how long he has known her because he doesnt know what goes on at home. I am afraid of messing up my health and mind. I have to stop this. please somebody tell me what i can do to stop this madness. Plus i dont want to live with any part of my familly nobody gets me. not even my dad. I need help. My mom even threatens to put me on crazy meds because she thinks i am the one with problems! help before i will need crazy meds!Health Question & Answer

oh dear! i am so so so so so sorry ur horrible disgusting mother is doing this to u. stay strong dont give up. U NEED TO TELL SOME ONE IMMEDIATLEY!!!! NOW!!!! or wait till the nxt time she is hurting u and hav a phone nearby and dial 911, hide the phone from ur mom and scream tht u need help so the 911 person can hear. please tell someone! u need to end this. no one on earth deserves this treatment. im praying for u. god bless! :) and stay strong girl, stay strongHealth Question & Answer

Go to your school nurse. She will know exactly what to do. also, they are not, " CRAZY MEDS ", they are , " COPING MEDS ".Health Question & Answer

move out. ur in college and 18... she can't stop you... you're legal. find a friend to move in with if u can't pay all the bills... get out of there chica!!! for ur OWN good. much love!!!Health Question & Answer

When I was younger I got whippings with belts, hangers, and switches (sometimes even two switches). Sometimes a whipping everyday.
I love my mother, she was sick and had many children. I never blamed her.
People were a lot nicer then and there wasn't as many children on drugs.
I noticed when my children were younger that I was not allowed to whip them. People take forever to grow up now! Go with your mother to the doctor. You may be hyper.Health Question & Answer

Wow! You're mom is a ******* *****! You could report her for doing that, you know. You shouldn't let her get away with that. It's rude and injustice. If your dad is nicer--and by nicer I mean doesn't abuse you--then ask for your dad to take custody of you.Health Question & Answer

Turn her in! Even if you DO misbehave or act out, there is no excuse for beating a child. I can't imagine being in your situation. My dad left when I was 2 and it really stressed my mom out, but she never took it out on me or my sister.

If your mom really hits you that hard, I'm sure you have the bruised and cuts to prove it. Show it to your teacher, minister, friend's parents, coach...any adult you trust. Tell them your mom put those marks on you and you are afraid for your life. If you can, call the police or an abuse hotline. I'm sure you can find the hot line number online. Plese get help, you don't deserve this.Health Question & Answer

Okay you DEFINATLY need to call child services or someone of that nature
call kids help phone for help OR if your in a hurry go to a guidance counselor at school
BUt don't chicken out
Make an appointment
and go ASAP like
i urge you too
this is not right
and you should not be treated like this.
Im ersiously
CALL or go Health Question & Answer

LIsten, I am not sure what area you live in, but there may come a time, that you can legally leave the home, or asked to be placed into another house, Call the CPServices, and tell them that you have to get out before you get really hurt, or don't even make it...tell them that they are abusing you, they will get you out of that house that night...get out now, while the getting is good, and maybe they will have to take some classes, and get better, and things will work out. Then you can forgive them, from a far, when you are feeling better.Health Question & Answer

You need to talk with someone neutral. Talk with a favorite teacher or your guidance counselor . You need someone to help you. Please don't delay. You don't deserve to live in pain and anger. Best wishes for you , my dear.......................................Health Question & Answer

it seems like you are in a very disfunctional family. I would talk to a friend or another adult figure in your life, like a trusted teacher or school counsellor. if the abuse is as bad as it sounds, i would go to the police. surely you have to know someone in your life that would be willing to sincerely help you. good luckHealth Question & Answer

You need to call your aunt and uncle RIGHT NOW!!! Tell them what is going on. If you can't tell them please talk to a teacher, a friend's mother or ANYONE you feel comfortable with. Every state has an abuse hotline. Call them. You need help. If you stay in this situation your mental health is at stake... I was in a situation like yours when I was young. I didn't tell, but I wish to God I would have.

PLEASE CALL SOMEONE NOW!!! You deserve better and there are people that will help you.Health Question & Answer

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