Why do survivors of sexual abuse turn to alcohol or substance abuse later on?!

Question: Why do survivors of sexual abuse turn to alcohol or substance abuse later on.?
they do so to block the pain. but the weird thing is that alcohol will intensify the pain and make a person more depressed. other drugs do block the pain, but also blocks emotions and blocks a person from caring often will seem cold-hearted. but,it is the drug--such as cocaine or meth amphetamines. i am a survivor,but i have not turn to those sources because my abusers used them, and that caused me to not want them. i do have post traumatic stress disorder. any kind of emotional pain that is too much to bear causes a lot to turn to drugs
i know because i have two children that handles life that way. it is heartbreaking. alcoholism in the family tree, that passed on to them, although i don't use. blessings to you..Health Question & Answer

Sexual abuse is a crime against body-mind-soul-and the very person that you are. Damage done by sexual abuse seeps into every area of your live, eating away like a cancer. When the damage surfaces and cannot be denied any longer, the person is in mental and emotional distress, lacking the ability to trust others. There is such an aloneness, isolating the person in their distressful pain, that many who suffer from it try to "self-medicate" with drugs, alcohol or sex to soothe their emotional damage.
People will try any number of options to "feel better", but none touches or changes the ache of the soul within.

The scar will always be with the person, only partial healing is possible. For those who seek to address the pain of their sexual abuse, there are resources available through mental health and spiritual counseling.Health Question & Answer

Survivors of such abuse often develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. That disorder is very difficult to live with. Simple things like familiar sounds, smells, colors, etc. trigger flashbacks and painful memories.
Abuse like that also brings shame, guilt and lack of assurance and self esteem. The abuser essentially robs the victim of their lives. Drugs offer a way out of the pain.Being high seems better than dealing with the reality of life,and what's been done to you in it. Life is already so hard. Sexual abuse makes it feel unbearable.Health Question & Answer

because once violated you lose sense of ones self and you lose your trust amongst all. not only is it devastating when committed by a total stranger, but it is extremely traumatic when perpetrated by a family friend/member. and as you get older it gets harder and harder to cope with the memory of your violation. some seek counseling and for most it works. but for alot more alcohol and substance abuse becomes easier, than having to open up to another stranger. it dulls the pain but in the opens doors to more self destruction. which will give you more experiences that you'd rather not have and more memories you just don't want. Health Question & Answer

Not all do, but I suppose it's to dull the emotions and memories of such an ugly experience. Not to mention the fact that whoever did it has a problem with alcohol , a very poor role model, but a role model nonetheless.Health Question & Answer

because they think they can deal with it but they can't, subconsciously they use these as a mask for what is causing them to be mentally unstable, this is why many of them don't get help.Health Question & Answer

Child abuse creates masochism. The adult who does not work to resolve the anger against the abuser will simply take it out on himself.Health Question & Answer

because they don't know how to deal with the trauma and are using the substances to either forget, cope, or just distract their minds from itHealth Question & Answer

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