Why is it "Suicide Night" on Y!A?!

Question: Why is it "Suicide Night" on Y!A.?
So many questions from people who havent been tickled lately...Health Question & Answer

"Suicide night" LOL Health Question & Answer

Every night's suicide night! lol

But seriously, I think it's a combination of things. Like you say, it's starting to get dark sooner, and people with Seasonal Affective Disorder might just be starting to get depressed about now.

It's not exam time, but terms have just started - people are going into new classes, or even new schools, colleges or universities. That's a stressful time.

Then, as someone else said, there's the economic crisis, and people are getting stressed out by that.Health Question & Answer

Lol yeah there does seem to be lots of suicide related questions on YA tonight. Not that I think suicide's a funny matter, I personally have been struggling with suicidal feelings lately. I dont think Yahoo Answers is an appropriate place to express such feelings though and am not quite sure what people actually hope to achieve by posting questions announcing they want to kill themself.Health Question & Answer

Depression has to do with money I believe. Ever since the economy has been in a slump and a lot of people not making enough money or getting enough money, they've been depressed. Money makes the world go round whether believe choose to believe it or not. When you have money you can do things to make your self happy whether its take out your girlfriend ro boyfriend, take a vacation, pay a bill or share with family.Health Question & Answer

I think it's just periods where people are just suicidal and there are other times people aren't as suicidal. What ever it maybe, we all need to be there for those who need help and need some encouragement that life will get better and to seek out professional help if they need it. I think people get more suicidal when it comes the weekend because of the week they've gone through. Just be there for them if you can. I know there were times I just needed someone to tell me, "Life will get better." Instead of someone telling me, "You're just looking for attention." Whenever someone tell me I was looking for attention and I was seriously considering suicide, I'd actually start acting on my suicidal thoughts, which never worked, because a part of me knew there was a reason to keep on living. I'd just cut my arm or something, just to release the pain that I built up inside of me. Life had to get better right.? So far, everything has turned out for the good! And I'm grateful I'm still here!Health Question & Answer

Maybe they are all playing "Lemmings" !
-- Actually I feel a cad to treat a serious subject with such levity. It could indeed have to do with the rapidly shortening nights and the feeling of winter coming on, and also, with doom and gloom in the news (though how often is the news cheerful). I do have genuine sympathy with anyone who feels so desperate they feel the ned to express suicidal thoughts, Perhaps a glimmer of hope in the darkness is that while they are talking about it, they are not doing it, and they may even through the marvel of the internet link up with strangers who care about them and will help them through their vale of darkness.Health Question & Answer

I have also noticed alot of suicide related questions... and alot of amusement park related questions for some reason...Health Question & Answer

WTF is wrong with you people.?.?
Do you think suicide is some sort of joke for you to laugh at.? :lHealth Question & Answer

I've had serious suicide attempts, but I must say that your question has really made me laugh!Health Question & Answer

Yes and Kezzi's post is a bunch of bs about suicide. WTF people.?Health Question & Answer

Yeahh there are loads tonight. Weird..Health Question & Answer

It's Friday and their mates all have dates and they don't.Health Question & Answer

LMAO...thats a good one..yeah, I was wondering the same thing..Health Question & Answer

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