Sort of a cry for help...?!

Question: Sort of a cry for help....?
Let me start off by saying this is not a joke. For the past few weeks Ive been having terrible thoughts and I don't know what to do. My ex broke up with me back in July. A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I don't believe in abortion so it was out of the question. He used to be so in love with me or so I thought. He even proposed. I should say Im only 20 and Ive been in cheer and gymnastics most of my life. I cheered in college for two years obviously this year I had to quit. I grades are horrible right now. I know Im not the first to go through this and probably not the last but, I'm very depressed. I feel like a hypocrite. I couldn't go through an abortion because my heart said it was wrong. But I can't help it, I find myself crying in the shower everyday for a long time begging God to take my life away. I cry myself to sleep hoping I never wake up. Now its to the point where I just want to drive of this unbridged area on the way to work. I dare myself to just do it and when I change my mind last minute I hate myself. I have morning sickness like Ive never seen anyone have before. My throat is so sore and swollen it just reminds me how my ex isnt here to help me, how I could be in school but Im too sick to get up, how there's no way I could be a cheerleade now, and I get afriad once my baby is here Ill think he or she isnt worth it. I know that's terrible. I thought I did everything responsible but I my anti biotics interferred with my birthcontrol. I hate myself for being so stupid and only relying on the pill. I have a good job and am very lucky for that. I was sent home early today for being so sick. People were afraid to catch whatever I had. They don't know yet. Is this normal.? Or am I just being hormonal.? also, I should say when my ex dumped me out of the blue, everyone said there had to be someone else for him to all of a sudden not be in love anymore. His ex before me of 5 five years is single again and wanted him back. She is a nurse and they are both wanting and begging me to abort. she is telling him all these ways to do it. So was my mother but luckily my brother talked me out of listening to her. what would any of you do in this situation.? My life is falling apart and I want to die so bad. I feel like I cant do this anymore, any advice.? Please.?Health Question & Answer

Listen take a deep breath! I just had a baby 4 months ago and i have a friend going through the same thing right now! she just got dumped and is pregnant! listen to me you are beautiful and amazing for even getting pregnant! some women try there whole life and can never have that.... DO NOT GET AN ABORTION! this child will bring you SO much happiness i cant imagine my life without her now! she is a reason to live gives my life meaning! you are hormonal right now VERY! and it is that way after birth too i have post partum right now and trying to get over! its tough! you will get through this! and have so much fun with you baby! **** YOUR BOYFRIEND! he is a douche what a shady guy for breaking up and going back with his ex and you know what know he will have to PAY for it with child support every month! that is his decision! and you will get nice pay! so of course his ex/girlfriend is gonna tell you that! cause she knows you will be attached to him! that is funny that is something you can hold over her head! you have his baby she doesnt! i would tell that ***** to shut up! haha sorry i am getting kinda worked up! i just wish i could hug you right now! this baby will bring you happiness... you are sad because of your relationship! i just broke up with mine after 3 years and having a child together for 4 months! i went through this the best thing to do is get out of the house and start seeing other guys... it will kill the pain... JUST think twice about what you are feeling and remember you have a human being in you that doesnt have the choice of life if you dont give it to him! Health Question & Answer

i would have to say i am sorry that u feal so bad. sometimes having a baby really changes everything in your life 4 the better. it is hard to think that right now when u r puking like crazey. i know i have been there done that 3 times alone! i had my 1st son at 18 his father lied about his age and was 15! it almost killed me to have him because i had health problems but i would not abort. then i had my other two sons at 19 and 21. i was a drug addict and had to give up my 2 older ones when they were young. i now have a 4 year old he is my world. it is hard to be a mom and work and do all things u need to do. u need to think about what u want in life do u really want to spend the next 18 years raising a child. and is aborting what u want. do u want to give another woman out there a chance at having a child by adpoting. what do u think is best for u and this child. dont listen to anyone but what is in your heart. it hurt alot 4 me to give my sons up but it was what was best. u need to really think about this dying is not the ansewer what would the world be like without u. u r part of it. please think. if u want to talk email me ok.Health Question & Answer

Okay 1st off!! You are going thru a break up and you are pregnant....the hormones when you are pregnant are out of control!!!!! They made me so emotional!! I would cry for no reason. So sweety it is perfectly normal for you to be so sad! But one thing - you have to try and be as healthy and HAPPY as you possibly can for that baby!! When you are sad and stressed out, that sweet little baby is sad and stressed and it is not healthy for you or your baby!! Everything will smooth over!! I promise!!!!! The pregnancy hormones are a b*tch!! lol. It's hard and so very tough. But once you see that precious little face everything just falls into place!! I really admire you for keeping this sweet little baby. Esp. considering everything that you are going through. You are one tough girl!! Not many girls would do this.
As for the suicidal gotta erase those out of your mind. I recommend talking to your brother when you feel down! It seems like he was the most rational person you have to talk to. I mean he talked you out of an I think he would be very understanding with how you are feeling. Or how about a close friend to talk to.? Or even a couselor at school!! can't keep these feelings bottled up. Like I said it's so bad for you and that baby! I really really hope you find some serenity...
Just get as much sleep and relaxation as you can possibly get! Oh and when you get your 1st sonogram picture...any time you are feeling down...just look at that picture and it will make you smile. Think of the life that you are bringing into this world...
I am sorry I am rambling...but honey I feel for you....I have been through a rollercoaster of emotions while I was pregnant! It's hard but I see that you are a strong woman and you can do this!!!!!
Call your brother when you are feeling down!! :) Please keep safe! If you ever need anyone to talk can always contact me...because I know how you feel in this position.
Take care sweety.:)

Oh and as for the morning sickness I had it like crazy (I had a girl, they tend to do that ;))) and it finally went away when I was about 7 months!! So don't worry that will pass!! Please girl if you need to talk, I will listen!Health Question & Answer

If you feel that you can not take care of this child then maybe you want to consider giving the child up for adoption. Do you have an family that you can count on to help you out if you decide to keep the baby.? It's alot to think about at such a young age. I had my first child at 18. And I know how scary it can be. Your brother sounds like he would be a possibility to ask for help. What about your dad.? If school is important to you, then throw yourself into it and use it as a means of taking your mind off of the pregnancy. There is also school councilors that you can also talk to. Have you talked to any of your friends.? Please don't do anything to harm yourself, it isn't as bad as it seems, when it's all happening it's hard to be calm, but this is not an unusual situation. You are having alot of these thoughts because you are hormonal, and the morning sickness can be pretty devastating, I remember thinking it was going to kill me. Have you started getting prenatal care.? Talk to the Dr. about the morning sickness. I used to keep crackers with me at all times. And I drank lots of gingerale. It's not up to anyone but you to decide if you want to keep the baby or not. Not your mother and not your ex. But you need to slow down, and give yourself some time to think and to consider all your options. Talk to planned parent clinic, they have lots of suggestions for everything. Don't put yourself down. If you need to talk to someone I can give you my email and then you can email me and I will give you my phone number or you can give me yours. momontherunwithshorty@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

You can maybe take online classes. Talk to your counselor at school. There are many new programs for people in your situation. Your reaction is very normal. It was unexpected and you are scared. It sounds like your brother is being supportive. Everything will change when the baby comes but it will be mostly good and not bad changes like you think. Your mother will come around too. I had my first child at a young age and I was scared too. When that baby is born you will never love anything more. Try sucking on hard candy when you are queasy, it really helps and the morning sickness will not last forever. Good luck to you. Health Question & Answer

I am very confused by your feelings. You don't want to have an abortion, but you can contemplate killing yourself and unborn baby. That is rather confusing to me.

I think you should go talk with some of the people in church, those ones who are so anti-choice. They are often very willing to help you to avoid the abortion route. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

My mom got pregnant with me when she was 20. She obviously decided to keep me, but she has told me before about how she felt when she found out she was pregnant and not surprisingly it was pretty much the same reaction that you are having. She was pretty much in the same situation that you are going through right now.

I should tell you that my mom and I are the very best of friends. Sometimes I wonder if it's because she was young when she had me. She always says that she and and I grew up together, and you know what.? I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm 20 as well, and I feel like I can talk to her about any and everything.

As bad as you may feel right now, there is always a silver lining. I guess I just kind of wanted to show you the other side of your situation. Sure you'll go through bad times, but you and your child may end up being best friends. I love my mom to death and I'm sure your baby will feel the same about you. :)

I wish you the very best of luck with everything!!!Health Question & Answer

I've heard of things like this before and I think it's just the pregnancy talking. Keep your child. You don't know how great your kid could be. He could cure cancer...Health Question & Answer

Whatever you do, don't abort. And if you are having these thoughts of wishing you could die, you should go and see a psychiatrist. It can get very serious and you shouldn't be responsible for anyone's death, even your own.Health Question & Answer

Wow. I am so sorry. Sometimes it seems like a series of unfortunate events hits us all at once and it is really difficult to handel. I hate that all of this has come to you at once. Not that it would have been any better but it might have been a bit easier if this was all spread out. You don't want to die. You may think you want to now but in the long run it isn't the right thing to do. One thing you mentioned was the morning sickness and how bad it was. It is probably because you are so upset. Do everything you can to calm down. You may even want to go see a physiologist or something. Another thing, if you don't want to abort the baby then don't do it just because someone else said so. It is YOUR choice and nobody elses. Your Ex doesn't get a say because he is not involved. As for school, I'm not really sure what you can do. Try going back and thinking and concentrating on your future. Use schooling as a motivation for your baby. If you finish your schooling, it will lead to good job opportunities which will help you. As for not being a cheerleader any more, don't worry about it. If that is the worst thing that happens you'll be OK. I know it was something you really loved but I think you love this baby more and sometimes you have to give up things you love for people you love. I'm glad to hear you have a stable job. That is such a plus!
As for anything else you may want to look into seeing a phycologist. Maybe on your campus there are types of support groups you can join. I really hope I helped and remember the last thing you want to do is give up. You have a lot going for you and in the long run everything will work out. I'm not going to say soon because it's probably not going to happen right away and I don't want you to feel discouraged. Just have confidence in yourself.
Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

well I'd get a counselor and endure the pain and keep on doing that... until I couldn't. I'd be kinda happy to know that I'm not alone in this situation and in this world. Take a Deep Breath every now and then and MOVE ON! and yet i doubt that you'll make the same mistake twice! ^_^ hope that helped
oh and here is a website he's Dawson McAllister! he not a how would you say it.. here he's not OFFICIALLY ac counselor but he's helped THOUSANDS of people.

^_^ hope that helped.
Health Question & Answer

Darlin', first thing it that no matter how bad it may seem now, God is definitely with you. I am a very firm believer in that God does not give you more then want you can handle. He knows your strength and your weaknesses. He knows that you are strong enough to go through this pregnancy.

There are a lot of options out there, such as Open adoption, which means that you and the parents you agree to adopt your baby will have contact. I.E. send pictures or letters, or there is close adoption where you have no contact with the baby.

Go to the health center on Campus the Nurse will be able to give you a lot of information on the many options you have.

And if you decide to keep the baby, there is a lot of help out there. Community agencies, WIC, Food Stamps, and housing assistance. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Trust me there is always someone who is willing to help.

Don't give up on yourself or your baby's life. You can still go to college, get an education, and raise a baby. Put your trust in God and He will never let you down.

Oh, if the daddy doesn't want anything to do with the baby, get him to sign papers saying so. That way you don't have to worry about him jumping in and out of the baby's life.

Don't Give Up. Remember if you end your life, you will also end your baby's life. Isn't that the same as abortion.?

You will be in my prayers, Darlin'.Health Question & Answer

Can't you sort thing's out with your Ex.?
It would defo put your life on track and it looked like he was the man for you. (Untill you broke up with him)
.?Health Question & Answer

Young lady you have been given a lot of good advice from others that I don't know if Ican offer anything else.
I will say I know you are scared, totally on a emotional rollercoaster
but now you need to pull yourself together as hard as it is and look forward and don't look back at your mistakes but what you need to do now this is your future, one that includes your baby.
You have made one positive decision, by not aborting, hold your head high knowing you made a good decision and decide how to handle the next step, do choose to keep your baby or place it for adoption.
Only you can decide this. Whatever you decide go forward with that you will be amazed at the people who will be there to support you either way. This baby needs you now regarless of your decision,you have a life to bring into the world.
The boyfriend, it's his loss, the joy that a baby brings to someones life.
You are not an animal on four legs who gets nailed and the partner moves on to another, you are a very strong young woman you can do this.
I have so much else I could say you would read all night.
You need support email me.Health Question & Answer

In your situation I would feel the same way. Nobody in your family wants your baby! Your boyfriend doesn't want you or his baby. That's so sad and miserable, I'd want to die too. You have no reason for going on, it seems like. So you've got to find a reason for your good and the baby's good. Have you considered adoption.? If you could find someone who wants and needs a baby, and could go through the process with you, like a surrogate, it would be wonderful. You would have a very precious gift you could give some woman who can't have a child of her own. It would make me feel better. And it sounds like your brother is a pretty good guy too. He probably wants you in his life, so there's a reason for you to take care of yourself. I hope you'll be okay.Health Question & Answer

This is not so complicated, you are having a child and you are taking care of her/him the best you can, the father is as much responsible money wise as you, so when you can't work because you have to be with the baby he has to give you money, if he doesn't have any, he has to work, if he doesn't like it he should have thought of that before sleeping with you.
You will live your life with a daughter or a son and you will love her/him with all your heart, you will have problems and you will deal with them and in many years he/she will be your best friend, your son, your daughter, a part of you, your life.Health Question & Answer

please don't kill yourself or your baby.
life is so beautiful.
and you'll love that little bundle of joy the second you see her/him.
just do it for your baby, just keep life going for the baby.
forget your ex, and everyone else around you, do what you want to do. don't let anyone talk you out of anything you want to do.
my advice, keep your baby, keep your job, and take college online if you want. it's easier, and you only have to show up to actual school like 12 days.
you have something so beautiful growing inside you, don't let it go.

even if they beg and plead for you to abort, don't. no one can make that decision but you. your completely normal, just a bit stressed. maybe take a bubble bath, and sleep on it. think about what you want to do.Health Question & Answer

It is a personal decision. Do not think that keeping your baby will get your ex back. He may choose do have nothing to do with the baby for life. Do not listen to his girlfriend, she is looking at carving a life for herself, (perhaps she had an abortion or two or more from this fella before).

Pull your life together. If my child were pregnant, I certainly would not want them to think about "ending" their life over the thought of giving life. I have 3 beautiful children, Two older than you, no regrets --ever. They are and have been the hardest thing I have ever worked for, my inspiration, my push to excel and succeed, and without a doubt, my everlasting happiness!

I sincerely hope that you Keep your baby. Smile, she/or he will be beautiful and worth more than you can even imagine!!!

Health Question & Answer

I think the best idea is to just figure out how you can do it on your own, try not to rely on anyone but yourself. Try your hardest not to think about your ex. That's crap for him to do that to you. And please don't abort your baby, you will love your baby so much when you have it. I promise you. You can get child support from your ex. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives so that good things can happen later. Maybe having a baby will give you a whole new outlook on life. See if you can talk to some kind of counselor. But please do not kill yourself, you were put on this earth for a purpose and it wasn't to drive off the road and kill yourself and your unborn baby. You have to just think of this as a short time in your life that is for the best. Maybe someday your kid will win a medal in the olympics or something. You'd never find out if you took your own life. Life is precious, think of everything as something you learned. I'm sure it really sucks being sick but it shouldn't last too long. Talk to people. Tell people how you feel. I'll talk to you anytime. Health Question & Answer

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