Ways To Cut, And Not Die. Please Help?!

Question: Ways To Cut, And Not Die. Please Help.?
Okay, I'm going through a very hard time in life right now and I need to cut, don't tell me not to, cause I will do it regardless. But the thing is i don't want to die or anything, i wanna live but relieve my stress. so how do I do it.? where and with what.?
a razor.?
a shaver.?
a knife.?
and how do I hide it.? Should I do it while in the tub.?Health Question & Answer


I am a former self injurer. I know that the behavior can be a relief, or release of bad feelings and emotions. I know how addicting it can be. I was a self injurer for several years. I am "in recovery" now, and am in therapy and taking meds. I will tell you this: It feels MUCH BETTER to deal with your issues in a positive way, than to cut or any other self injuring behaviors.

And cutting in the shower will cause you to bleed more than you would otherwise, and I DO NOT recommend it.

There are more positive alternatives to self injury.

I got these from http://www.mosaicminds.org/safe-asi.shtm...

Alternatives to Self-Injury

Try delaying

Take a shower
Go out and be around people
Go out and dig in the garden
Call your T
Call a friend
Call 1-800-DONT-CUT
Express your destructive feelings

Break something safe
Break old dishes you bought from a thrift store
Rip apart an old cassette tape, smash the casing
Throw ice cubes at a brick wall
Throw eggs in the shower
Rip apart an old phone book
Smash fruit with a bat or sledgehammer
Throw darts at picture of perp
Punch pillows
Scream into a pillow
Slam doors
Non-destructive sensation producers

Hold ice cube to skin inside the arm
Rub ben gay on skin
Put a rubber band on wrist and snap it
Ride a bike fast and far
Take a shower and rub skin with cloth or brush
Give yourself an alternate visual

Draw red lines on arms with felt marker
Draw red lines with red pencil then drip water on the lines
Draw sl*shing lines on paper
Express your feelings

Write what you're feeling. Don't edit, just write. Stream of consciousness
Identify what it is that is hurting so bad that you'd rather harm yourselves than feel it. What are you trying NOT to feel.?

also, try getting into Dialectal Behavior Therapy. It helps a great deal. It helped me.Health Question & Answer

Hello sweetheart,

I've seen this before and believe that you are in need of people telling you not to cut - you wouldn't be posting this question otherwise.
You know we're not going to tell a young girl how to cut herself, we're meant to help you dear.

It is far easier to fix this rather than just start cutting - once you start, you will keep doing it and believe it is the answer to everything.

I will never forget the night when one of my best friends rang me screaming down the phone because she went too far with her cutting. She ended up in hospital because her cutting had gone really, really wrong. The scars will never go away, she will live with them for as long as she lives.

Please don't end up that way.
There is nothing wrong with getting real help and just talking to someone. Cutting is temporary relief - talking is the first step to getting control and getting better.

Speak to someone - anyone. If you'd rather talk to a doctor who will have dealt with this before, then do so hun.
Don't ruin your life with something that doesn't really help and will harm you.Health Question & Answer

You need to find an alternative to cutting yourself. It can require stitches, promote infection, and it's just plain dangerous. No one in their right mind would offer you a solution to your question. Instead seek out some healthier ways to overcome stress and emotional pain. Do you like sports.? Try boxing, or weight lifting. If you have to use a violent alternative, stab and massacre a phone book to shreds. Use some commodity in your home, like plates, etc. and smash them all with a bat. Just don't harm yourself or others. Self-harm will not fix your problem, it only complicates and extends the problem. also, I would suggest you hook up with a therapist to work on the issues that have caused this learned behavior to surface. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

so i was just about to leave stumbled upon ur question. As im suffering from si myself 1st i plead you not to start it honestly gets worse but if u really NEED to do try some alternatives first ice,red ect don't just jump into it! Remember where your wrists are & veins! as long as your on muscle your good. but just remember the pain can ease but the scars are pretty much forever I know people will hate me for this answer but i know how bad it is..just be careful never to deep, if you ever wanna talk.?Health Question & Answer

cutting is addicting. if you cut, you'll cut more. and if u keep cutting you'll end up dying. i know u said ur not going to cut, but think about it. if u cut it makes u look like a coward. just like suicide. im not going to preach to you. i trust you'll do wat u should. msg me if u wantHealth Question & Answer

get a piercing or a pretty tattoo. It hurts like a b*tch and you will have something that you really like. Cutting can get out of control. You will not think of anything but cutting yourself once you start.Health Question & Answer

Why would anybody seriously give you advice on "How to cut".?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

Give blood! Don't scar your beautiful skin :(Health Question & Answer

Use ice cubes. It hurts but doesn't leave a mark.Health Question & Answer

your dumbHealth Question & Answer

Honestly. Why on earth would you post such a question.? Don't be so rediculous...Health Question & Answer

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