What are some symptoms of a marijuana addiction? How can someone tell by analyzing someone?!

Question: What are some symptoms of a marijuana addiction.? How can someone tell by analyzing someone.?
Marijuana can be psychologically addicting, but not really physically. The sign of addiction would be that they are preoccupied with it and it affects their life negatively and they choose to continue. If it affects their job, school, relationships, etc. If they worry about finding more a lot. If they get angry if someone talks to them about their use. These types of things.Health Question & Answer

usually if they haven't had it they will get bad mood swings and get angry over nothing, not eating can sometimes be a sign... sometimes people will do anything to get it especially stealing or borrowing money (most don't return it) if you need more info call a drug and alcohol line or look for information through google.comHealth Question & Answer

my son in law smokes this stuff continuosly and has done for 11 years. I alway know when he's just had a bong, his eyes are glassy, he gets happy one minute then angry the next. After years of abuse he is now depressive and paranoid and a real pain in the back side.Health Question & Answer

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