My mom ignores all my problems?!

Question: My mom ignores all my problems.?
Since I was 5 I've been self concious about my weight. When I told my mom when I was 8 that I thought I was too fat (I wasn't, btw), she simply told me I wasn;t..I didn't believe her.
When I told my mom that I was depressed when I was ten, she didn't do anything. Sometimes I want to die. Sometimes I cut myself. She even saw that I carved the word "die" on my arm, and still no therapy.
When she caught me throwing up in the toilet at fifteen (the age I am now), she didn't do anything. That was months ago. I still have this "habit" and have had it for a long time, over a year.
I have been asking for therapy for a year. I used to ask her like once a week but she doesn't do ANYTHING!!! it's like she's ignoring all my problems! I think she just doesn't want to believe this is happening. But it is, and I know I need help. I don't want it, but I need it, and no matter how often I ask for it, I don't get it. We haven't really talked about any of it either, ever.

Wtf is her deal.? What should I do.?.?

And yes this is a serious question. I am telling the truth. Please give me some suggestions.Health Question & Answer

Let's not look at mom's downfalls or faults and start looking at our own issues and how we can get better. If you really want help and want to change, there is help available, even if you call a hotline, go to an emergency room or talk to a school councelor or teacher.
Don't focus on your mom. I'm not saying your not right about some issues, but we get caught up on a blame game and loose what's really important.
And right now, you need to focus on you and get help, however you can.
Please do.Health Question & Answer

wow are you kidding.? this is very serious!! well i say talk to some people on hotlines. there are many to call depending on how you are feeling, and then wat the others said basicaly : school guidance counsellors, etc. Health Question & Answer

Not to be mean or anything.?...Are you trying to attract attention.?
Talk to your mates or your teacher or something someone must have noticed your problems.Health Question & Answer

I have no idea what's wrong with your mum. There's something MAJORLY wrong with her. Do you go to student counsel.? You should, you should get some counselling.Health Question & Answer

maybe you should try to talk to the school guidance counselorr....good luck and i hope you get the help you needHealth Question & Answer

go to the school counselor, they're helpfulHealth Question & Answer

talk communicate any try your dadHealth Question & Answer

Your mom is in denial! She doesn't want to believe that her child is that unhappy. She "thinks it will pass". Good for you for posting this question here. Just know she does love you very much she just doesn't want to understand the unimaginable problems you might have. Please stop cutting yourself and throwing up. You have your own life to take care of after all. Your life is only your own. You are the only one that can make it great. Have you tried to be blunt and just sit her down and tell her.? I HATED my mother when I was 16 for almost the same reasons. Now she is my best friend. It is a hard road though. Health Question & Answer

Maybe she thinks your creating the problems just to get her attention. also maybe her mom (your grandma) did the same thing to her and she doesn't know different.
I would suggest that you sit down and talk to her and try to get her to understand that you really are having mental issues and she is only making them worse by not helping, but don't overwhelm her.
If she does still not listen maybe there is another important adult in your life that you can try to get help from. If know one come to mind maybe your school consoler can help or a teacher. Their is always a way to get help in this world, you just need to find it.
Best Wishes, LizHealth Question & Answer

It sounds to me like the problem is more with you than with your mother. Perhaps your mother just doesn't know how to help you. Therapy isn't always the answer for everybody. Self-help can do a lot, and save you a lot of money on a therapist.

Try talking to a counselor at school or someone you're close to. Try talking to your mom. Don't just TELL her you have a problem, ask her what she thinks, ask her what you can do about it. You said yourself you haven't really talked about it, so that right there is your first problem.

Start focusing on your said you don't get help but you haven't actuall tried to get help, you've just asked other people to fix your problems for you.Health Question & Answer

This is really a sad and extremely serious problem. I, too, was always overweight and never thought that I fit the stereotype that is fed to us by the media. You are doing what you need to do in trying to capture your mother's attention. If she doesn't take you seriously, there are many places, such as your local doctor or hospital that will take you seriously. You have made a conscious effort to tell us about your problem so I know you are not totally self destructive. Get yourself to some sort of support group, even if it's to call 911.

I would give anything to be 15 again and have my entire life ahead of me but I know this doesn't mean much to you, now. You have been given a great gift of youth and, even if life doesn't appear to be all that you want it to be now, embrace life and make it the best that you can. Those of us who are much older would jump at the chances that you have before you. Don't throw them away!!Health Question & Answer

Sounds like she doesn't want to realize what's going on because then she'd have to deal with it and is afraid she wouldn't know how. She's wrong. Don't wait around for her to come around for help. There must be another person for you to talk to about everything. This may sound cliche, but seriously, talk to someone at your school, like your guidance counciler or teacher. Don't give up on your mom, but don't just wait for her to do something. You're at the age where you start to realize you're much stronger than you think, so don't give up.Health Question & Answer

Your mom is either in denial or oblivious. Either way, its not really about her, its about you. I know shes the one who should be taking care of you and making sure your healthy, but sometimes parents make big blunders and this is one of them.
Tell your mom, straight out - I want to go to therapy. Look for someone in your area and print out the page and show it to her.

If she disagrees, then theres really nothing you can do to change your mind. Find someone else to help you....

Ask your family doctor about it. If you tell him what you've said here then he'll help you and direct you to a therapist.

Tell another family member. Maybe an aunt or uncle that could drive you there. Someone who won't judge you, and will be willing to help.

Go to a school councilor/ teacher or someone else you trust, and tell them that you need to find a therapist.Health Question & Answer

My Mom does this to me alot too, It drives me absolutely crazy! I used to be really destructive and violent if someone pissed me off. *Me and my Dad and my Brother get in fights at least everyday or every other day* I am a fighter not a lover i guess thats how to describe me. Don`t wait for your Mom to help you, just go to somebody who will take you seriously, like a trusted adult or go to one of those places that has a "safe place" sign and they could probably help. also, try to involve yourself in other activities like sports! or the YMCA or Boys and Girls Club. Sports are really my outlet for me to just let out all my anger and then it makes me in a better mood in the long-run. I used to do gymnastics and i loved it, cause i got a thrill out of it, i also play soccer since i was 8 and i am playing sophomore year next year for my high school team. I really wanna get back into my gymnastics but i have to have 3 surgeries before though.. ugh. oh well. Listen to music and do what makes you happy. Don`t ever do anything you would regret later. Health Question & Answer

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