I have a lot of mood swings...normal or not?!

Question: I have a lot of mood swings...normal or not.?
Warning: This will be really long...

I'm 16 and have Lupus so I already have quite a bit of pain to go through...but I've had mood swings for soo long.

I used to self-injure a lot (at ages 11-15, hair pulling, burning)...just as some background info.

I can wake up and be in a really bad mood, but sometimes I get in the bad mood in the afternoon and early evening and night. Just out of nowhere I become very depressed and just want to grab a steak knife and stab myself. Sometimes I can't even cry I'm so emotionless.

Other times I can just burst out into tears.

And then I have times when I'm way too sure of myself,/confident, talk really fast and have thousands of creative ideas and start several projects or plan goals. Then I crash and never finish them. I have a hard time finishing books as well. At this time I'm usually pretty friendly.

But I can turn quickly. I become very angry and hostile for no apparent reason, no trigger. It just gets worse when people fight with me obviously...but it appears that a lot of times there isntt a trigger.

So when I crash I just feel suicidal, hopeless, emotionless even. I will sometimes have very aggressive and violent thoughts, Little things will wrack my nerves to no end. Like people walking, making sounds, banging of metal food utensils, shutting of cabinets....

Sometimes I'll be really depressed for a week with only a few good moments. Sometimes these episodes only last a few hours though.

Right now I feel like there is no joy in me.

My life and home life isn't perfect, but I feel like I can';t control these moods at ALL. Like it's more chemical or something.

I'm going to a psychiatrist soon, but has anyone been through this.? What could this be.? It's bad enough having Lupus but now I can hardly go to school or do homework as I have NO motivation in my down points..Health Question & Answer

Are you taking meds for the lupus.? have you read their side effects if so.? Have you always been like this or is this new.?

Talk to your doctor...could be side effects of the lupus and or meds...or maybe your just a grouchy teenager.?.?!!Health Question & Answer

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