Anyone with Bipolar have advice on dealing with stigma?!

Question: Anyone with Bipolar have advice on dealing with stigma.?
I've been diagnosed with bipolar for approximately 5 years now, but have only been medicated for the past two. During that time I've socially withdrawn, not knowing how to deal with intimacy (especially with a girl friend) and their knowledge of my Bipolar. I am a very charismatic person, with intelligence, charm and wit. Does anyone have any advice on how to give them the news.?Health Question & Answer

I have dealt with problem many times. Best thing is to tell only people that need to know and loved ones.

At first, I told no one. But, now most of my close friends know. Intelligent people that care about you (close friends,immediate family, girlfriend/boyfriend) are usually accepting if you give them information and explain your condition. Usually, they already know you are "different" and when you tell them it doesn't surprise them. That has been my experience anyway.

As far as people that you work with or acquaintances, just tell them what they need to know. If you have an episode at work or school (ie. Losing your temper when manic. It happens.). Say as little as you have too, just apologize when u calm down and say you are just having a bad day. That is usually enough for most people.

There is a good book called "the Bipolar Disorder: Survival Guide" that gives some good advice about how to tell people. Bipolar has become more socially acceptable, thanks to great people like Carrie Fisher. also, you would be surprised at how many people know at least one person with the illness.Health Question & Answer

I'm confused, does your girl friend know you have Bipolar Disorder or are you just asking in general how to go about telling other people.? Your girl friend should know & explain to her that it is an illness just like diabetes or something, it's not your fault you have it. Come clean with her & just explain what happens to you etc. As far as telling other people that you really aren't close to, there is no reason. I hate this crap, people think just because we have a mental illness we all are psychotic. I just tried to explain to a guy I thought was my friend why I am not working now (I'm waiting on SSI) & can not work, right away I'm lazy. So, to answer your question, I'm keeping my mouth shut about my Bipolar Disorder for now. Health Question & Answer

just say it, it is better to inform people than to treat it like a secret. It is not syphilis, it does not spread! Why should you be ashamed.? It is just an imbalance in your brain chemicals, right.?

good luck! If someone cant understand that it doesn't have anything to do with who you are, just how you express yourself... then they are not good people or friends.Health Question & Answer

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