When you starve to death, what happens to you psychologically?!

Question: When you starve to death, what happens to you psychologically.?
when you starve to death I know your organs shut down because of you lack of caloric intake. you get tired, muscles get weak etc., but what happens to you psychologically.? anger is obvious and lack of hope but what really happens.? if your able to find a good web site please let me know. thanksHealth Question & Answer

Your brain is an organ. It is the last organ to shut down and will try to keep itself conscious to search for food.
In your last days, you will be searching for a way to get needed nutrients. If you find any kind of animal, you will probably smash it with a rock. You will then eat pieces of it that you normally would not eat like its eyes and internal organs. These contain nutrients that you have not been getting. You will eat most of the meat last.
If you don't find an animal, then you will eventually start to consume yourself from the inside out. Muscles will be consumed(assuming all your fat is gone), then you will have nothing left that would be helpful to consume and you will die slowly but not quite in pain.
You won't have conscious thought at this point. Everything will be automatic. You'll probably have a lot of day dreams because there is nothing better to do. Then you'll fall asleep and stop existing.Health Question & Answer

try el-kaida.com
they'd probably know
lolHealth Question & Answer

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