Is it possible to be born with depression?!

Question: Is it possible to be born with depression.?
Ever since i can remember, i've been the quiet kid in the corner. I cannot, even once, remember being a non-negative or depressed kid, and i had a normal childhood. For instance, In 2nd grade , the first book i remember ever reading was a book about a kid who died getting hit by a car, narrated by his depressed sister.In 3rd grade I read about child abuse, misfits, misanthropes, and when other kids avoided the death and dying section in "Chicken soup for the kids soul" it's the only section i read.

When i realised this, i also realised i don't remember not being depressed. I have always cherished the feeling of being sad, and i don't see a possible way of escaping it, ever. I know that i have a type of depression presently, but i can't remember when it came to me.

Health Question & Answer

i think so.
they say that depression runs in my mom's side of the family. i think i'm depressed. i think i was born that way. you sound a lot like myself. i have a fascination with death, pain, gore... but i feel normal. when other kids were drawing pictures of smiling suns in flower fields, i drew violent scenarios! i'm not some kind of future serial killer. im 23 now and i've become comfortable with who i am. im ok with hating everything and everyone, being antisocial and not needing anybody. im happy with my depression. it makes me who i am. i think you can learn to get over depression with therapy and/or drugs. i wouldn't recommend the drugs tho. remember, it's all in YOUR headHealth Question & Answer

I'm really shy too, and I love reading about death and dying and all that, and sometimes I get depressed too; but only when I let myself think that my life sucks and the world is horrible and all that. That usually happens at night when I just listen to techno and am bored. Then I'll just make myself stop thinking about it, and remember that God is out there and **** like that.

Ok, I really just want 2 points.Health Question & Answer

I don't think medical science has learned enough about depression to say if you are born with it, but I am the same as you. I have always been depressed. Tried to kill myself when I was 8 by tying a belt around my neck. I got sent to the school psychologist when I was in 3rd grade. I got sent to a private psychologist a year later who officially diagnosed me with depression at age 9. All of my family is this way too and that is about all the evidence they have to say it is genetic.Health Question & Answer

Sure I think it is just who u are ya know! dont get too beat up over it i mean if it is really botherig u then go see someone a professional perhaps or maybe even someone you trust a parent a friend or even a checkout lady good luck!!!Health Question & Answer

no.....Health Question & Answer

I believe that a baby can be born that way if the mother was going through really tough times. After all, a [hearing] baby hears what the mother is going though. Yelling, anger, sadness... all of this affects the baby in someway.

Have you tried doing something to make you happy.?
Maybe you should try reading "good/positive" feeling books, or do something productive and healthy to change the way you feel.

It might be hard because you've always been sad or depressed, but I think that if you did, you would not regret it.

If nothing else helps, try seeing a school counselor (i don't know your age) or tell your doctor to refer you to a psychologist.Health Question & Answer

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