I have a question to the depressed and feel out of touch with reality!? ?!

Question: I have a question to the depressed and feel out of touch with reality!.? .?
1. What do you exactly feel.?
2. What are thoughts running in your head while you feel out of it.?
3. Are the thoughts seem clear when you try to remember them.? (like now)
4. Do you feel like you can't seem to get out of the feeling.? Like its just so heavy.?
5. What are the exact thoughts.? coz I would like to differentiate the thoughts of one another..
6. Do you sometimes feel like your so absorbed by your thoughts and feels like you are not there.?.?Health Question & Answer

If suffering depression was as you try to define it, then it would be simple to find a way to rid sufferers of it.

I have depression, I can tell you that your questions, as legitimate as they are, call for answers that go way beyond.

I will try though to answer them because you are obviously interested but pardon me if I appear somehow vague or inconsistent in some of my answers.

1. If I could even pinpoint one emotion it would probably help me deal with it. It's a mixture of feelings: anger, anxiety, lack of confidence (although I don't consider myself shy), mistrust, panic, the list is endless. And that is probably what characterizes a depressive state in my case, that everything is so enmeshed, it's like having black clouds over me, like some darkness has taken hold of my insides, refusing to budge out.

2. Death, ending it all. It's a all-or-nothing way of thinking which is very dangerous and can be so harmful, not just to me but the people who love and care about me. It's nothing to do with being selfish, it's the way my thought process behave in this state.

3. I have many blank spaces, many absences, I don't remember big chunks of months, things I've said/done/experienced. It's frustrating.

4. Sometimes, yes. At the moment I'm "fighting" with it, because this time, unlike the other times I want to try and "snap out" of it by myself although life seems to be conspiring against me (recent death in the family and the rest of the family being unsupportive, fact is I found out about my grandfather's passing via email...)

5. Well, refer to my answers for your first three questions I guess. I really don't feel like divulging personal info that currently stays between my counsellor, my best friend and me. Sorry, I hope you understand.

6. Sometimes yes, sometimes I wish I wasn't even there.

Thanks for your interest.Health Question & Answer

the thought process can be a very complicated thing. Your brain is always working. It works even harder when you are asleep and your subconscious works even harder than your conscious mind. Variable thoughts, wandering thoughts racing thoughts.. they are all part of the process. Ignore what is irrelevant and try not to pick the thoughts apart and explain each and every one...it is frugal. Everyone has had the same variable thoughts as you. Stop thinking so much.Health Question & Answer

1. What do you exactly feel.? I feel very sunkern inside and very deeply sad. i don't want to do anything any more and i feel like locking myself away and being alone. everything is dark, something leads to nothing and so i don't want to do anything. i feel useless and hopelesss and a failure with anything i do. i feel so anxious all the time and don't think anyone really likes me. everything is bleak and i don't think i have much of a future here. it would be better to die.
2. What are thoughts running in your head while you feel out of it.? all of the stuff i just put as well as - why don't i just end my internal pain right now
3. Are the thoughts seem clear when you try to remember them.? (like now) umm not terribly clear but its just like usual memories really
4. Do you feel like you can't seem to get out of the feeling.? Like its just so heavy.? yep its so hard and everything goes in circles, like a black hurricane that surrounds you that you can't get out of. it really bugs you and won't go away and its so so heavy
5. What are the exact thoughts.? coz I would like to differentiate the thoughts of one another.. as i said earlier =]
6. Do you sometimes feel like your so absorbed by your thoughts and feels like you are not there.?.? yep thats called depersonalisation and i get it sometimes, its a side effect of depression

hope that helped =]Health Question & Answer

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