Obsessive. PLEASE HELP?!

Question: Obsessive. PLEASE HELP.?
Hi. this year well mostly in the past 3 or 4 months ive been obsessing over miley cyrus. i even got suicidal, like if i wouldnt be her by the time i woke up in the morning i would kill myself. i was too scared though. well i stalk her on youtube, the miley and mandy show and also the papparazzi videos of her. i wish i was her. i even use a plumper to make my lips look like hers, and wear contacts. i make my hair straight like hers one day, then wavy the next. i dyed my hair from blonde to black, and on websites such as http://www.dresslikemiley.org or whatever, i've copied exact outfits and accessories (those sites tell you from where she buys the EXACT clothes). I have like most of her clothes in my wardrobe.
Ive been to some of her concerts. I cant get enough of her. I dont idolize hannah montana, i idolize Miley Cyrus. everyday i come home from school and check her websites, the fashion ones, the yahoo omg! page to see stuff thats new about her, x17online and eerything to see the latest about her. this needs to stop, i know! I need a cure!Health Question & Answer

Don't worry, you're perfect for your height. Don't compare yourself to anyone, especially a celebrity who has make up artists and stylists picking out clothes for her. If you admire her style, thats great, but dont dress exactly like her all the time. Her "celebrity status" has a big chance of dying out so I know you will lose interest in her someday, so you'll probably stop altering yourself to look like her, as many people will. As others have said, look at other people to look up to, not just one, and yes stay away from sites promoting ways to look like her. She like many other stars have images that are sold to make money, so she might not be the same inside as she appears to be in front of the camera. Talk to family and friends and please see a counselor or other medical help.
Take care and I hope you get better!Health Question & Answer

You must know that you are able to 'feel better', as you are asking for help, implies that you have felt O.K. for some reason as well.

Seek real, live, help from a crisis hot line in your community Right Now.

The internet is not a place to 'fool around' with your important and valuable emotional issues.

Health Question & Answer

You are missing out on an exciting life. YOUR OWN! Trust me when I say that Miley Cyrus has her own problems, as we all do. There is only one Miley and there is only one YOU. Nobody else like you in the whole world. Make a long list of things that are good and that you like about yourself. e.g. I am friendly, kind, helpful, funny. These are unique qualities about you not Miley. Build on those. Almost everything in Hollywood is an illusion. That's what they sell, an illusion. That's not to say that Miley is not a great person but you need to live your life as yourself not as someone else. You would be missing out if you tried to be someone else. Seek some professional help, stay away from Miley sites for awhile. "This needs to stop"...you said that! It will take some hard work but I am confident you can do it. My best to you.Health Question & Answer

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