What's The Point Of Living ?!

Question: What's The Point Of Living .?
If you cant see a light at the end of your tunnel, if it seems you are alone on this planet with no body to relate too, if you see only one way out which is death .?.? could you then be happy .? im sure death wont be as painful as the way things are now !!...Health Question & Answer

This is temporary, I promise. Seek help, because you simply need to learn to see things differently than you do just now. Things simply aren't as bad as they seem, no matter how bad they seem.

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Duh - the whole point of living is to live! don't get caught up in ur problems - although it sounds like u have some troubles, try to remember there are people who, believe it or not, are in worse situations. You only have a limited amount of time on Earth before you die, anyway, because it's inevitable you're going to die sooner or later, so enjoy living in this world during the time you have in it. Is there anything you wanted to be when you grew up.? Any role models - favorite things to do.? Try something new, try doing something you'll enjoy, whether it's playing bridge or doing crosswords or walking in the park or reading a really scary book or learning to sail. Talk to somebody, a friend, older relative, maybe even a counselor to get you back to the happy you. There's so much you can do on Earth that you might never get the chance to again, and you really don't have very much time. So make sure you're spending enough time enjoying yourself to make your time worth it! Have fun and Good Luck :)Health Question & Answer

If you feel that bad don't you think things can only get better!.?! You're not alone on this planet you only feel this way...there are tons of people who feel the same way you do! You CAN be happy you just have to go out and let yourself feel! Sure death might be a "solution" in your eyes and it might not be that painful to you but it will be painful to your friends, family, and acquaintances! My boyfriends oldest brother killed himself and since then none of his 5 siblings have ever been the same...they have all tried to kill themselves at one point or another. Do you really want that.?Health Question & Answer

Sometimes, I truly wonder that too.

I'm so sorry your life has gotten that hard. You have to remember that someone, even if you don't think of them, loves you. You are not alone. What exactly is going on.?
We were put on this earth..the entire point of us breathing, walking is to glorify God. Jesus Christ isn't a fictional character a bunch of weirdos made up.
He loves you more than you can imagine.

I'd love to help you work through whatever it is, andd if you don't want me to argue about religion or preach at you, it's done.
God loves you.
Email me if you want.
carly.grac3 at yahoo.Health Question & Answer

Life can be cruel but you need to work out what you can and can't change and you much you want to change yourself. People often complain about their lives but they come up with a reason why they can't change their lives. The only person in charge of your life is you.
I have a saying, " Life 10% what you get and 90% how you take it."
Do you have an exact problem .?Health Question & Answer

I've been there. The light's there. You just don't see it. You will. It comes and goes. I think that's the way it's meant to be. It's what makes us stronger and it's what faith is. How old are you.?Health Question & Answer

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