Trying to get better but feeling fake?!

Question: Trying to get better but feeling fake.?
I suffer with depression and Borderline personality disorder. I do see medical professionals etc I have been working really hard the past while to try and be positive about things, go walking, keep busy etc and challenge myself but it feels completely fake! I just don't want the professionals saying I am not trying to get better etc. I have been told I am so negitive...but it feels like I am doing it and i don't feel any better and I am not really feeling positive, just pretending to feels fake and unnatural! Does anyone else feel this way.?.?

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Awh im sorry to hear this.
I know how you feel, I tried doing things more positively.
Every time i smiled it felt fake etc.
Try and find your own way of thinking positive, it could be to talk to someone about how you feel, finding someone to confide in . .
Listening to music, spending ime wih the people you love, friends etc.
Find something that you enjoy doing to distract you.
You could write about your problems, talk to someone about them.
Hope fully this will help you feel like what you are doing is less fake and will help you feel better.

Hope that this helps !

Health Question & Answer

I know this feeling all too well.

Maybe you need to give yourself time and just keep trying. I know you will get there. We both will get there together.

You have been unwell for a long time, so doing positive things and feeling good about them is very hard to do. It's not a feeling you are familiar with and probably feels so wrong. You have been doing brilliant by doing the things you have listed, despite feeling fake and depressed.

I am here for you

:-)))Health Question & Answer

Yes. I can releate. You are doing a good job trying. How is your spiritual life.? I am not advocating you join a church or anything, but explore your spiritual side if you are not. That is one thing that has always helped me, when I have failed at everything else. Health Question & Answer

yes i know how you feel there are things i want to do or im am told would help but they just don't feel right for me to be doing, maybe if we kept doing them they would make us feel betterHealth Question & Answer

Sounds like you're doing a great job of trying to help yourself and listening to (and following) their advice. Try not to be so hard on yourself though.
It doesn't really matter what they think. It's what you think that matters.
Out of the list of excellent things that you are doing, I'm a big fan of 'challenging yourself'. Finding a project that seems impossible so that it engrosses all your thoughts while you're mastering it. People often don't realise that they are capable of far more than they think they are, so they choose activities that they know that they can manage. They don't realise that they can succeed at things 100 times harder so they don't try.
But when you do try, that's when you get caught up in the moment and the bad thoughts stop getting in.
The other problem that depressed people have is that they picture the worst outcomes or believe that things will go wrong or that they will fail. It's here that the positive or negative thinking will make or break you. Because it will decide if you try or if you don't.

I appear to be rambling again!

Good Luck

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