Does untreated bi-polar lead to paranoia? Whats next? Skitzo?!

Question: Does untreated bi-polar lead to paranoia.? Whats next.? Skitzo.?
During adolescence: I was diagnosed with a mild case of bi-polar. I never opened up to shrinks and surely never wanted/needed meds. Now: I have been in a long term relationship with a lovely woman. However she, like my mother and most women, is a worry wart. I am by no means blaming them more than I blame myself and everyone in my life including society. That was just background. I have recently found myself becoming more and more paranoid to where it is paralyzing me in social and economical areas. How do I deal with the thought that the whole world is against me. Does this boil down to not being able to trust anyone.? And left untreated what can I expect of myself.? Please know I am too enlightened to hurt myself or anyone else. If anything I am OCD about my effect on others, not so much myself. ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Paranoia is a psychotic symptom, and people who are in a manic or depressive episode may become psychotic. So paranoia is potentially a symptom of bipolar disorder. It's a severe symptom, and suggests that you need to see a doctor.

If you're neither manic nor depressed, you could be suffering from any other psychotic disorder - given your history of bipolar, I'd suggest Schizoaffective Disorder, although obviously, I can't diagnose you.

Any form of psychosis is a huge worry and needs to be evaluated by a professional immediately.

Please see your doctor.

Whether or not you'd hurt yourself or others is not based on enlightenment, whatever you mean by that. You have an illness which is showing psychotic features, and the truth is that many people do things whilst psychotic that they'd never dream of doing otherwise.Health Question & Answer

I, too, am bipolar. I thought I didn't need treatment. I thought I didn't need meds. I was fine, just fine! Everyone else has problems, but not me!

Well, guess what. Just last week, I was released from the hospital after a two week stay. I tried to commit suicide. I slashed my wrists three times.

Seek treatment. Take the meds. Work with your therapists. You'll be better off in the long run. You can't diagnose and treat yourself. Leave it to the professionals. Health Question & Answer

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