Is it really possible to cure an addiction to self-injury?!

Question: Is it really possible to cure an addiction to self-injury.?
Or do we just have to "switch addictions".?Health Question & Answer

I self injured very severely for about 18 years, and also had a severe eating disorder. I actually cut badly enough to need life saving surgery many times. And yet, somehow I stopped. It was a combination of things. I had a very good psychiatrist who was available to me 24-7. I realized that people were turning away from me because they were scared or repelled or sick of it. I started building a life outside the hospital and found that I hated being in there. I realized that I could get more out of the long-term relationships in the real world then I got from the doctors and nurses. I got a pet who I wanted to come back to. A pivotal event was when I went to my sister's law school graduation and spent 10 days with my cousin in California. I saw that the lives they had built with friends, careers, social life etc. were much better than my life immersed in mental illness. So I went back to school, started being honest in therapy, set goals... and it took over a year to get to where I did not think about it all the time or have urges, but at this point I really don't see myself ever going back to that. I have too much to lose and very little to gain. I still get depressed and have self esteem issues, but my urges are not there. So yes it's possible. Difficult and hard work, but possible.Health Question & Answer

1 in importance over everything else::get proper medical help and stick to medicationss that help with this type of thing as prescribed by a doc. Then go to counseling regularly. You may grow to another spot in your life where this is no longer an issue for you as it is today perhaps.
It has become a fad of an addiction so I guess you would be more susceptble than the average person to go to another addiction but its not inevitable.This would mean you need to take some preventive measures like not exposing yoursefl to areas and people that use substance abuse or other unhealthy methods to cope with probems. Find your own helpful coping mechanisms such as exercise, faith in a religion, meditation/yoga/healthful foods/social activism, personal goals and achievement.
You need to work on progressing your life to include more healthful activities, hobbies, and persons/social circles who do not have such problems Growing older would also help as you mature out of the young fad stage of life when you mature everyone elses opinions of you no longer count for much.You will begin to come into "your own" and have more confidenceHealth Question & Answer

no, and no.

you don't have to 'switch addictions', but it is easier if you find something else to do instaid of self harm.

But, as far as i know, its impossiable to be compleatly free of urges. It can be controled though.

yeah, its hard.
but you can do it :)Health Question & Answer

Sure it is :). I can point you in the right direction if you would like.?
You have to really want to stop self-injury! Join my site with the link below so we can talk more in private.Health Question & Answer

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