Good luck with this one, guys.?!

Question: Good luck with this one, guys..?
i'm pretty certain i'm suffering from depression, or bipolar.
i don't know.
but, most of the time i feel like complete ****.
i don't have a reason to wake up in the morning, i really don't.
i don't go to school anymore, i don't have a job, i don't have any friends.
none. i'm a loner. laugh if you want, i honestly don't give a flying **** anymore to be honest.
and i'm just driving myself into insanity.
my mum's worried about me but i can't ******* talk to her and i don't know why.
and if all you're going to say is "go see a doctor", don't answer.
the LAST thing i want right now is to go to a ******* doctor to just have them tell me what i already ******* know and drug me up and turn me into a vegetable.
all doctor's ever did to me and my family is make things worse or turn us away.
yeah, i'm mad.. and i'm scared.
cause i honestly don't know what i might do to myself.
i've thought of suicide before, but i long time ago, when i was 11.
but... i was too scared to die.
my parents don't even know about any of this.
ugh, i just had to get this out of my system somehow.
i have nobody to talk to so this seems to be my only outlet.
sorry.Health Question & Answer

Yes you are like me!

I havent had any friends since I was 12-13. I have noone to talk to either!

Dude, all I have is online friends! I'm actually very socialible and act like a normal person online, but in real life, i'm this shy kid who never talks to anyone! I use this program called "paltalk" and it has tons of people in chatrooms. Some of the people on there are so cruel though (depends on where you go) but ive met hundreds of people on there. Dude I would go nuts if I didnt have it. Who cares about real life friends.? Not me, as long as I have paltalk LOL! I know its bad because I dont have social skills but oh well. You have a life to live. Think of all the things you want to do in life! Careers you want to do! For me its being a mechanic.. I would do anything to become one! its like my dream and to own a mustang LOL I know it might seem childish but who cares.

LOL, I never go outsode either because i'm paranoid and self conscience. I have everything though! I have nice clothes, electronics, I have my own cell phone but I never use it because I have noone to call!

I have my own treadmill and its probably the only excersise I get. People think im just shy because I was always a shy kid, but its not. I get so nervous being in public! Okay i'm done babbling, if you wanna talk to someone then e-mail me!Health Question & Answer

You need to make a timetable of how you are going to spend your day, week. Got bed at a regular time not 3 in the morning.
Allow for plenty of exercise. and then more exercise, you have to do something that makes you feel like you have achieved something even it is walking for 1 hour, Health Question & Answer

Sometimes even writing this all down helps. If it didn't help and you want to talk to someone what about calling a hotline.? The numbers are free and usually the people there are really nice. If it helps there are a lot of people who are in your shoes right now. Im really sorry you are feeling so miserable. I hope you feel better. Health Question & Answer

i know u don't want to hear this but go to see a doctor and ask for propanalol ( i think it is what it's called) <-- v v light beta blockers . they are no anti depression but they take away the symptons of it, slowing your system down a tiny bit to give you enough calm to get you out of the rut you're in. you only need to take one a day for a month. they r not addictive and really work (i have had them for 3 bad phases in my life). my best advice too is to stay busy. if you are not busy you have too much time to think and this can get you down. and be nice to people, do nice things (say keep busy by helping your mum). you won't feel like doing it at first but once it is done, you will feel so much better and finally be motivated. to get out this rut you have to make an efort yourself - a lot of people don't want to make the effort and this is teh problem - they moan about being depressed but they don't have the "oomph" to get themselves out of it...make sure you do! even little things like having a big clear out work to alter your mind state and keep you busy. be nice to those close to you, even though you think it feels good to not be, once you do something "extra " and nice for them you will feel so good. good luckHealth Question & Answer

first of all i just want to say

its okay, i know how you feel because i feel exactly the same way
and your not alone.

if you dont want me to say go to a doctor then dont
why dont you find someone that makes you happy, a friend, a pet, a family member.
and just sit with them for a while.
tell them how you feel. maybe not to the pet..
but tell someone who you care about.

and no doubt they will take care of you.
dont worry , everything will be okay in the end.
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