What is my chief problem and how can i solve it? advice would be welcome?!

Question: What is my chief problem and how can i solve it.? advice would be welcome.?
I know i have mental problems but im not sure what my main problem is and how i can solve them.
The first issue i need help with has bewildered my therapist and a previous therapist. Basically it is kind of obsessive thoughts because they recur again and again and again and leave me feeling depressed and anxious. These kind of thoughts began in 2002 when for some reason i had this belief that tea and coffee would make me anxious or that i could not function normally (especially doing things in front of others) when i drank these beverages. i know this is irrational, but then i began to obsess about them and thoughts about whether or not i should drink them began to take over my life. I also had the belief i needed them as otherwise i would be too tired and not be able to function. This "thing" spiralled into obsessive thinking about coca cola and fanta and most drinks. So basically when i was in a situation like a restaurant i would be really anxious inside and it did my head in.
Needless to say all of this passed (thank god) and now it has gone for good and it is hard to imagine it was ever an issue. Nowadays i have 2 equally irrational obsessive thoughts, baseball caps and sunglasses. (i know this is ridiculous) but basically i have this notion that i cannot wear these things and function normally, when i do where them i am only really concentrating on them being on my body and i have an uncomfortable, anxious feeling like i want to take them off. Of course i dont need to wear them, and normally i dont, but when i see other people wearing them i say to myself subconsciously, "look at them they are normal they can wear them and do things normally, so i feel depressed inside".
These feelings and thoughts have been with me for a couple of years and i dont know where they came from, or what they are or how i should get rid of them. It may sound like nothing but they can ruin my mood instantly and turn a relaxed sunny day into a living nightmare of me trying to rationalise these persistant, obtrusive thoughts.
Does anyone have any ideas what they are and how i can get rid of them.? my therapist could not explain what they could be.
They may be a symptom of my depression that i have been fighting for years.?
thanks for reading

Health Question & Answer

obssessive compulsive disorder (why can't your therapist see this.?!)....Sign of depression (maybe you notice it gets worst when your more upset.?). have to break the cycle and rationalise things. avoid wearing the gear if it makes you get too anxious (basballs caps are tooo 90s anyway haha). look into OCD (obssessive compulsive disorder sites/helps). good luck. a lot of people suffer these disorders that interfer with their everyday lives (i spent most my teens washing my hands). dont' worry, just think rationally, copy what people you admire do (ie don't get freaked out about little things)Health Question & Answer

Maybe a form of obsessive compulsive disorder.? Can you convince yourself that even if you never wear a cap or sunglasses ever again you won't be detracting from your life in any way.?Health Question & Answer

stop smoking cannabisHealth Question & Answer

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