I think my friend is depressed. How can I help her?!

Question: I think my friend is depressed. How can I help her.?
We have a good friend who we think may be depressed. She is 'stuck' at a job answering phones at a department store - she has a university degree, and at one point wanted to go to Law school. She has friends at her job, but they are 5-8 years younger than her. She hardly ever leaves her house - only for work, and if one of her friends calls and coax her to go out. She lives at home (she just turned 28), doesn't have a boyfriend (not that I think you need a boyfriend to be happy); she doesn't drive - she has to get her dad or brother or friends to drive her someplace.

This past weekend was her birthday and we all went out for dinner. She looked unimpressed and bored the entire time. Afterwards we took her to a bar and she seemed unhappy the whole time, yawning, refused drinks and seemed generally unhappy with the entire night. It was her birthday and she planned the whole evening out!

Does she sound depressed.?
What is up with her.?
She is a great person when she is 'happy'.
How can we help her.?Health Question & Answer

Getting the support needed plays a big role in lifting the fog of depression and keeping it away. On her own, it can be difficult to maintain perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression. But the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even worse, so maintaining close relationships and social activities are important.

Her thought of reaching out to even close family members and friends can seem overwhelming. She may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty for neglecting the relationship. You need to remind her that this is the depression talking. Make her understand that her loved ones and friends care about her and want to help. I would suggest going slow at the start like taking a long walk and talking about whatever because the talk is not as important as getting out and walking.Health Question & Answer

Sometimes theres not much you can do. It's really up to her to make herself "better". You guys have been great friends to her it sounds like. Most ppl would have given up on her but you seem to keep trying to get her out of the house. This does sound like a case of depression. She really needs to get some counseling it sounds like. Health Question & Answer

Below is a link to a good website that I found about clinical depression.

I hope that helps.? The most important thing is letting her know that you're there for her if she ever needs you to talk to when she is ready.

You are a good friend to her and I wish her the best in her recovery.

Warm regards,

JaredHealth Question & Answer

well if you tried taking her to the party and it did not work ,take the party to her rent movies get popcorn and just have fun at her place or yours she needs time to adjust to society bar hopping just may not be her cup of tea wish i had friends like youHealth Question & Answer

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