I live with someone who has a mood disorder. Solutions?!

Question: I live with someone who has a mood disorder. Solutions.?
I live with my father. I am an adult who takes meds for depression. But I am doing alright on my meds. The reason I am living with my parents right now is because the economy is so bad in Florida right now and this county has the highest unemployment rate in Florida. Believe me, if I had enough money, I would move far away from here as soon as possible. Anyways, I think my father is bipolar or schizophrenic. His mother is schizophrenic. Usually everything is alright and then one day he starts screaming like bloody murder about everything and he starts bossing me around and threatens to kick me out. The yelling is intense. It comes out of nowhere. It is like shock and awe in the morning sometimes right away when I wake up. He cusses at me non stop and then I have to find somewhere to hide for the day. He has been like this since I was a small child. I spent a lot of time hiding and crying in my room when I was a kid and I think it affected me at school too. Anyways, I am old enough now to realize that he has a major anger management issue he has never dealt with. I seriously think he needs some type of meds or therapy. When him and my mother get together, they start blaming all of their problems on us (my brother and I). It makes no sense because I am a good quiet guy who has never been in trouble with the law or anything like that. I am a pretty peaceful guy. I don't do any yelling. But I guarantee if we left he would still be the same way. He watches Lou Dobbs every night and screams at the television constantly about the sad state of the world but he doesn't do anything about it. He doesn't even vote. He can be just plain negative. He's the type of guy that would leave a ballgame in the fifth inning if his team is losing by one run. Anyways, what should I do.? I am applying everywhere and trying to get out of here but there are hiring freezes everywhere. This is very very stressful.Health Question & Answer

Ok, there is a solution to this and you sound like a very good guy and a very sensitive one at that.

The meds you are taking right now may not be a lifelong thing for you rather, a product of the depressing atmosphere you live in on a day to day basis.

I think you should consider becoming a volunteer at a homeless shelter, rescue mission, battered persons shelter, or half way house for those who are in active recovery and seeking a way to become independent again in their lives.

The reason I say that is simple. You obviously are aware of what you are witnessing daily in your life. Your question is intelligent, insightful and honest.

I suggested the volunteer option because although you hate your living situation right now, you at least have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in and are in a position where you can take your own experiences and use your compassion and sensitivity and put it to use for good.

For others and also for yourself because you'll be serving two purposes. In doing so, you may find a way to be offered perhaps a PAYING position at an organization that will allow you a way to move out, you'll be helping others really not unlike yourself right now except they don't have their own homes to retreat to, and you just don't know that maybe the JOB you love might just be found in the service to others!

Process that, it's worth considering.....

God bless and feel free to email me and keep me up to date......Health Question & Answer

I too live in FL, also in the county with the highest unemployment rate in the state and one of the highest foreclosure rates in the entire USA. The job market is horrible and a lot of peooole are Health Question & Answer

I would avoid him until you can get out on your own.

Have you tried tape recording him, then play it back to him when he is calm.? Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Firstly, I empathize with your situation. I can imagine how much effort it is taking you emotionally and physically to be around someone who does not for one second care about others' feelings and emotions. I have seen my share of life and I can tell you, I understand.

Now the possible approaches to calm him down. Here are some links I found that could help.




I hope this helps in some way. And good luck with the job hunt. Running away from a problem is always easy but with time you will realize it wasn't the best option. You gotta help him out of this.


Health Question & Answer

A couple of ways to get you out of the house and on your way would be to sign up with a temp agency and take whatever work comes your way. Or try getting any work possible, take a couple of part time jobs. Save what you can and move. Get a private room in a home and board until you can afford something permanent. It's stressful being the person paying all the bills too. Everything costs more when more people are living in a house, food utilities, gas. There is extra work cooking and cleaning and often the person who is staying there to save themselves money doesn't realize the stress it puts on the parent. It's hard all around. Not excusing your father but he has limits too.Health Question & Answer

You can't help someone who won't admit they have a problem. Get any job you can, even fast food, and get out of there ASAP. Until then, avoid him as much as possible. He could be dangerous. You hear all the time about people who suddenly go off and kill their whole family, he could be one of them. I hope he doesn't own guns! Go anywhere, just get out of there. Health Question & Answer

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