18 year old bipolor daughter says she won't live at home but is unable to be on her own help?!

Question: 18 year old bipolor daughter says she won't live at home but is unable to be on her own help.?
My daughter has had many challenges she is bp and has add with anxiety. She is in 12 grade and wants to finish but refuses to live at home because she states she want her own rules. She has left many times already. She is so young emotionally around 12 -13 and sweet except for her ability to manipulate well i might add. there is a placement for her that would work if she can follow their rules, but she still wants me to be there like her mom while letting her go even thought I know it's wrong. How do I let her go still love her and not let her feel abandoned.? I want to help but how without letting her feel the results of her actions.Health Question & Answer

If she has a place to go let her. Just keep an eye on her and watch from a distance. However, you should always be open to help her and listen when she asks.

BTW, most people with Bipolar, I have met, are socially much young than their actually age. also they are all very intelligent, creative and can be very manipulative.

She probably wants to leave because you are treating her like a 12 year old. If, you start treating her more like an adult she may decide to stay. Talk to her.
As to the last poster, getting her declared incompetent is wrong. If she is taking her meds, she is just doing what all her friends want to do as well.Health Question & Answer

is she alright if she takes her medication daily.? Im assuming that shes on medication for this.?
Can't you get her declared incompentent by taking her to court so that you have legal rights to her medical and also where she should be if she don't want to live with you.. I don't know it sounds like a huge mess and makes alot of mental stress for you being the mom and worrying all of the time..
let me know how things go and I wish you the best of luck Health Question & Answer

you let her go and let her learn how hard it is out there. If she can't handle it, she'll come back to you. otherwise wish her luck. The more you try to make her stay; the more she will rebel against you and I doubt you'd want that.Health Question & Answer

well even though she hasn't graduated, she is 18 so she can leave. if you sit her down and explain to her that her choice may not be the smartest thing and you will try to compromise on some of the rules (if possible) maybe she will decide to stay. but if she still wants to leave, you shouldn't feel bad for making her feel abandoned, because you didn't abandon her. you tried to help but she doesn't want it. if i were you i would still feel bad, of course, but i would not beat myself up for it. sometimes kids have to grow up the hard way because of their immature choices. good luck. :)Health Question & Answer

To your daughter: Wherever you go there are rules. At homeless shelters there are rules to follow.This is why a select few of homeless people sleep in the street. When you live with anyone there are rules to follow or they will kick you out. When you live "on your own" in your own apartment, there are rules to follow. If you are not ready to follow rules then you are not ready to be on your own. Just as two-year-olds are not ready to play without close supervision. If you think it is mean for your mom to ask you to be home at a certain time, will you also think so if your boss asks you to be at work at a certain time.? How about if your landlord asks for rent on a certain day.? Practice following mom's rules and get so good at it that you don't have to think about it so you will be ready-freddy for your own space. also practice being a flexible person to live with because most likely you will not live all by yourself.Health Question & Answer

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