Personality disorder/pathological liar?!

Question: Personality disorder/pathological liar.?
Can a person with this type of disorder change.? or be cured.? Can they ever tell the truth and have honest relationships.? any input would be appreciated....I have just had a bad experience with someone that I suspect has this problem...he claims he's going to get help....I am doubtful...but I hope he does. He told the most far fetched lies and didnt even think them through...contradictions etc. What do you think.?Health Question & Answer

It is very difficult to treat but it can be done. A person with such a disorder most likely will have to have dire consequences before they embark on a treatment plan. There are 12 step programs for almost anything nowadays and they are very beneficial for pathological liars, as the program is centered on honesty. It may sound mean but you have to stay away from this person for your benefit as well as theirs. Until people stop dismissing his behavior and everyone has abandoned him he will continue his behavior. Tough love, but necessary.Health Question & Answer

Yes usually whent the person visits a psychologist or therapist, t can help a lot. They find out what the root of the problem is, and he can learn how to cope with it better, and the relationship can work

but he has to take the initial steps of visiting someone for help and he has to genuinely have a desire for improving his wellbeing for his loved ones. Its all about will power and drive - they are very important

Talk to him again and explain that with the right help, you both can lead a much more happy and healthy relationship. But whatever you do, do not punish yourself - if he is still not taking any steps, then i guess its time to consider other optionsHealth Question & Answer

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