I have been sleeping excessively for a while. I can go to bed at any given time and sleep. ?!

Question: I have been sleeping excessively for a while. I can go to bed at any given time and sleep. .?
I am on meds and see a counselor for long term depression. I have 3 sicknesses in my family right now and I just don't have any motivation. I need some ideas, not more meds.Health Question & Answer

Are you sure you dont have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.? I can only suggest things that worked for me, try going out a little walk in the afternoon, take your mp3 player with you and have a seat along the way, also stay in touch with friends and organise a night out, that is always a good way to let off steam and may make you feel slightly better again. Good luckHealth Question & Answer

I think there are some simple questions to get answers for yourself as I detect some insight into your depression but also some lack of knowledge, from what you say.
How long have you been on what antidepressant.? Though sleeping excessively can be a depression sign it can also be due to being over-medicated. Sometimes meds can "poop-out" meaning they no longer work so a change would then be in order.Your doctor or psychiatrist will help with this.
also do you know what kind of depression you have.? Most if not all kinds have lack of motivation as a symptom.
A good counsellor will teach you signs, types and medications. As well, Mental Health sites on the Internet will give you some answers. However beware of getting overwhelmed with too much info depending on the severity of your depression, your concentration and focus can vary.
Once the medication situation shows that you're improving then start small little goals ( 1-2/day) will help.
One thing I find helps is to try something that you find FUN. You may have to force yourself initially but it will help amazingly. Call a friend. Reduce your stress. Watch funny movies-all small steps.
Good luck-it's a journey but treatment can get You back feeling good-about self, others and life in general. I find the Serenity prayer helps too.
E.Health Question & Answer

I understand how you feel. What you are going though is called hypersomnia. It is a common reaction some people have to depression. They do this to avoid thinking about what makes them sad. I'll admit, I am guilty of this too more often than I care to be. What you really need to do is start exercising. I know this is hard and sounds like one of the last things you want to do when you're depressed. You just have to force yourself to do it. When you begin exercising on a regular basis, your body produces endorphins, aka "feel good" chemicals that will help give you more energy, motivation, and hopefully less depression. If the idea of exercise sounds horrible, just start out small. Force yourself to go outside and take a walk. Do this often enough and eventually you may find yourself wanting to explore a new street or area you haven't walked to in awhile. Do it. You may even be inspired to start jogging or riding a bike if you see others doing it.

You could also try to see if going to a gym will work for you. 2 winters ago I was staying in a very depressing school for 4 months, on the coast where it rained alot and there was always clouds and no sun. I found a nearby gym there that was free to students, and started using the exercise machines there. I'll tell you, it made me feel GREAT despite the depressing conditions, and gave me WAY more energy than before.

Once you start exercising regularly, it will become addicting and you won't want to miss a day without it! The hardest part is the beginning when you are not used to it. Just force yourself to do it, and in no time, i bet you'll feel alot better. Last year I got laid off my job, so I started running every day. I put a bunch of good music I liked (no sad songs allowed!) on my ipod and ran 1.5 to 2 miles every day. This helped me tremendously and I plan on starting again, seeing as how I just got laid off again.

Good luck. I hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

A proper diet and a positive outlook is a good start. Sometimes life throws us a few lemons and gets us down. The one best thing to always keep in the back of your mind that it could always be worse so you need to remember the positives and focus on them rather than the negatives. Exercise is also a natural cure for depression. Try that. I would not recommend taking a lot of herbal medicines unless you contact your doctor some have interactions with anti depressants. Good luck feel better.Health Question & Answer

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