What are some Ativan withdrawal symptoms?!

Question: What are some Ativan withdrawal symptoms.?
My experience withAtivan.....
I have been on it since 2003, when I had a brain tumor removed.
Along with anti convulsive medications...Dilantin and Keppra, it took three years to get my seizures under control, so Ativan was given to use an an occasional (1 mg twice a day as needed) anxiety helper.

Over these past five years I have come to rely more and more on the Ativan, until I was using up my month's prescription a few days before refill time. Well this month it was gone with two weeks to go before refill time!

Now, six days into no Ativan, I found myself in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack......no heart attack, but a sever upper GI attack, shaking, extrememly anxious counting the hours till I could get a refill. Called my Neurologist, and was given an advance on my script. In other words, I could get my script now, today, because he did want me to have anymore withdrawal symptoms!! I thought I was doing well waiting, and thinking I only felt sick until the ER visit, then I got scared. What "other" withdrawel symptoms is he trying to prevent.? I will NOT take more than I am supposed to again!!Health Question & Answer

Ativan is very addictive.

Ativan Withdrawal symptoms include but are not limited to:

ringing in the ears
abdominal and muscle cramps

Health Question & Answer

Go to the Dr and tell him/her that you want to start weaning yourself off of the Ativan. It sounds like you may be getting dependent on it. If not just physically but mentally , you were having a panic attack at the thought of not having enough Ativan.Drug addiction is painful to come off of , whether it's street drugs or prescribed by Drs. Explain exactly what you said in this post and tell him/her your concerns about addiction..................................Health Question & Answer

i know the withdraw symptoms i have had from xanax..shaking , twicthing, more panic attacks, felt like people were poking me with needles all over my body..feeling like i was totally losing my mind ( which i have alot of problems) i was off them for about 3 weeks & had to get them back cause of my condition good luckHealth Question & Answer

Depression, you're obviously dependent to it.


Withdrawal: If you take Ativan for longer than four weeks, or at higher dosages, physical withdrawal symptoms are a possible result. Ativan treatment should never be stopped abruptly; instead, you should gradually decrease your dose according to the advice of your doctor. Possible effects include insomnia, ringing in the ears, shaking, tremors, sweating, and nausea, depending on the dosage and length of use before withdrawal. These effects are not generally dangerous, but their likelihood and severity can be greatly decreased by following your doctor's advice.

Sounds like what you experienced, I stopped taking this drug since it made me depressed. Best of luck to you.Health Question & Answer

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