Why cant i leave my house , stuck inside for at least 6 weeks?!

Question: Why cant i leave my house , stuck inside for at least 6 weeks.?
well all my life i have been bullied and pushed around , people laughed , stared , pointed and humiliated me , making me feel worthless , every friend i made always turned on me , and wen i finally think i found somebody i can trust they turn around and do wat everybody else has done
ive had food thrown at me , doughnuts put in my hair , spat on , had drinks tipped over me and a slush puppy during assemblies ;

so i pretty much trust no one
and now i find myself trapped in my house
i havnt seen any of my '' friends '' in 3 months
i left school becoz i was to scared to show up
i didnt do my year 10 exams
im scared of groups of people
and i get to nervous and scared to talk to people

i find myself hating everything and everybody
i find it hard to sleep
i over eat
i just dont know

i went to a councillor once , she told me i was '' lying and all i wanted was some attention ''

to tell the u the honest truth . i dont want attention
i get enough from the people who hate me

i pretty much just stay in my house and have become invisable
i even find it hard to go to the letter box

my self esteam is no longer
i hate myself to a point where ive thought ... ''bad'' things

ive ****** up my life by not leaving the house

how can i try to help myself

do u think im over reacting.?Health Question & Answer

i know how u feel!!!!! people ignore me all the time, and when i do get attention it's usually bad. im a social scardie cat, and has developed trust issues!!!!! my heart goes out for you....forreal!!!!! i could seriously go on about what a big mess i am, but lets cut to the chase,heres what i suggest:
1. see a REAL shrink
2. remember everything is mind-over-matter
3. learn to get comfortable with yourself
4. Try to be a better person, not for others but for yourself
5. NEVER listen to people who put u down, EVER!!!!!!
6. when feeling down, think back to all the things you've worked hard for
7. reward yourself for going thru pain that most people will never understand or will have to go thru themselves.
8. and lastly.... most people wont agree with this, but hell what do they know..... live your life thinking you dont need anybody because you are just THAT awesome!!!!!!! (seriously. it works!!!!)

ps: by the way..... wherever i go, i keep a list of 10 goals i want to acomplish in the next 3 years (no matter how big or small). also on that list is a list of principals i live by, and everytime i feel like i need some sort of help, i refer to The List!!!!!

i really hope this helps, because u should never lose hope because your probably better than those jealous jerks anyways!!!!!

~goodnite and good luckHealth Question & Answer

Is there a reason that people pick on you so much.?.?

Your counseler sucks. I'd go to a therapist. It sounds like you might have social anxiety disorder, possibly some agoraphobia. I'm not a Dr though, so I can't diagnose you.

I'm sorry people are so mean to you. Is there some reason you can think of that makes them pick on you.?Health Question & Answer

You sound extremely depressed. You need to talk to a therapist. There is a name for the condition that you are describing its called: Agoraphobia. If you are thinking of hurting yourself, Do not do it!!!! You need to seek help now. Good luck. Health Question & Answer

I don't know if I have a direct answer to your question, but I didn't want to just read your question with out answering. Keep your head up. I hated high school. I was a band geek, not popular. I just kept to myself and a couple really good friends. I didn't like to go, people always trying to start s*** in the locker room, lunch room, writing things on my notebooks while I was at the board. Well guess what.? Now I'm 34 and I finally realized I don't have to make anyone happy besides myself. Keep your head up, know how awesome you are and don't let anyone ever tell you different. Make some new friends and just be yourself. You are YOU, no one else! Just be a generally good nice friendly person and everyone will always remember you for that. High school doesn't mean anything, its just a way to build you for when you get out on your own in the real world. You'll get past this and then who gives a s*** whether or not you were popular in high school. Love you, you are the only one that matters. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I don't think you are overreacting. What you need is confidence, and if/when you go back out in the world or school and act confident, they might not look at you to mess with cuz they know you won't take it anymore. I would see a different therapist, that one sounds like a jerk. And last, pray to God to help you resolve these issues, and remember F*** all those people you are the only one that matters, and be your best friend. I am sure you are a beautiful person inside and out, so just take time to reflect on what you like about yourself and find a different shrink. I wish you all the best in the world, and if anyone throws anything at you or puts you down in some demeaning manner, don't take it, tell them they are RUDE and that your sorry they need to pick on others to feel better about themselves.Health Question & Answer

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