I was talking to this girl and she really spooked me. What do you think of her comments?!

Question: I was talking to this girl and she really spooked me. What do you think of her comments.?
I was chatting with girl on a train and I mentioned that I sufferred from depression and that it started after my mother's death.

She said "How do you know that she's gone". I said, well shes dead. She said, that doesn't mean she's crossed over. Then she mentioned that she was a Medium. She said "Did your father like wearing striped shirts" I said yes, how do you know that. She said "that she could feel his presence and that she could see him wearing striped shirts" She said other things that were 100% accurate. This was really spooky

Then she mentioned she was a master at Reiki and that 6 sessions with her and my depression would be gone GUARANTEED. She charges
Firstly I am deeply sorry to hear of the death of both your parents. I cannot imagine how that must feel.

Please do not contact her, and try not to be taken in by what she said. People who spook others by seemingly knowing 'accurate' information about relatives passed away, are usually well versed and practised in picking up the tiniest details we give away in expression and body language. Lots of dads wear striped shirts.

Your story makes me feel quite angry at this woman. She wants money from you and is trying to get it under the premise of helping you with your depression. You are in an emotionally vulnerable position and I feel like she tried to take advantage of that.

Have you seen your doctor about your depression, and have you had any counselling to help you to come to terms with your grief.? If not, I suggest this would be a far better way to approach things. Health Question & Answer

Although I don't doubt her mediumship abilities, she is a fake and a fraud and preying on your vulnerability. Pay no heed to her claims that your Mother hasn't crossed over as this very seldom happens and she wouldn't know either way.
I also don't doubt that she is a Reiki master but her claims that she can cure depression through these means is preposterous. Reiki is more mind over matter, you have to want it to work before you see any benefits and I'm sure you can think yourself better without any help from her. Avoid her at all costsHealth Question & Answer

Now I fully agree with everyone else's answers, she probably is just a fake. Since everyone has already pretty much said everything though I'm not going to waste your time reading it all over again.

I too am very sorry about the death of your parents. I do think she is taking advantage of your vulnerability right now though. Some people just don't care about others.
And like someone else said, a lot of dads wear striped shirts.

If it's going to bother you if you don't go and if you HAVE the extra cash lying around then maybe you should try going once. Or try to negotiate with her, ask for half of however long her sessions are for half of the price or something. Just to see how things turn out. If you don't really have the money though then just don't go. You'll regret spending that much if it all turns out to be a joke.

Good luck though, depression can be pretty tough..Health Question & Answer

Her most impressive ability was finding the one guy on the train who would believe her crap and even pay her for it.

The things you believe are happening in your world are not happening in mine. People can only pretend to see ghosts. They can only pretend to communicate with spirits. If you choose to believe her, that is your choice. Her fee will be logged as "entertainment" on her income taxes because it is nonsense and you are a fool for believing her.Health Question & Answer

i really want to see a psychic medium. I don't know if they can cure depression, but if she can feel a presence of your father, maybe talking to him through her will help you with it. Its worth a shot. They will probably tell you to channel your feelings and things like that. If you can concentrate on it it may be the way to go. See her for a reading or something and see how it goes from there.Health Question & Answer

Sorry to learn of your bereavement - a feeling of loss and of depression to some degreee is perfectly normal.
Sorry to use a cliche, but time is a great healer - things WILL improve.
Stay well clear of people like this girl - they can do more harm than good, and if she was truly a caring, helpful person she would certainly not be charging money.Health Question & Answer

She could very well have a gift which is great, but going to seek answers about things doesn't always help and for some people keeps them trapped in there loss. It might well help if you need closure on something but be weary.

All the best.Health Question & Answer

She's a fake, and you will feel depressed for awhile after losing a loved one....it's normal. Let yourself grieve over your mother's death, and stay away from this woman.Health Question & Answer

I believe in psychics but you have to be careful and try to use some with proven powers and never give a medium money without proof she is real.Health Question & Answer

well by her question she could guess. "did your father like striped shirts" if you said no she could have been like "oh cuz see him wearing a polka dot one" she sounds creepy wouldnt listen to herHealth Question & Answer

watch this video...
.?v=G18NfN76bAs&feature=related" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch.?v=G18NfN76b...Health Question & Answer

Have heard of the 5 stages if grief do a internet search and go through the 5 stages before you go get any help. Health Question & Answer

she could be legit, but i am always wary of sorcerers seeking cash. if they can really alter reality, they are generally rich already.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you're a victim of a cold reading. Always be distrustful of "psychics" who are quick to ask for money...Health Question & Answer

Some people have that ability and some are just frauds.Health Question & Answer

i say stay away from her.. if she does have any "special power" it's evil.. and these people are good at being fakeHealth Question & Answer

holy cow i think shes a stalker watch out man lol......Health Question & Answer

I would have given her a marriage proposal and got it all for free.lolHealth Question & Answer

I would be very wary of anybody who said they could guarantee to cure your depression. Nothing is 100% certain.
I don't know anything about Reiki, but it may, or may not, help your depression. So as long as you went along with an open mind I wouldn't say don't do it.
What you mustn't do is abruptly stop any medication that you may be receiving from your doctor. If you want to stop ADs, it must be done under supervision.
As for the contacting spirits bit, I would be careful how you approach this. Some people do feel helped by what they see as being able to communicate with the person they have lost. If you are very fragile emotionally though I think it can be risky. Safer to reflect on why you need to contact them - what do you want to tell them, or what do you want to hear from them.? Maybe you could write these things down, or if you can visit the grave or garden of remembrance and voice these things aloud there. It can help to come to terms with 'unfinished business' that may be troubling you emotionally.
Best wishes for your recovery.Health Question & Answer

Utterly utterly unprofessional.
She may well be a medium and she is obviously accurate but to then mention her reiki and then tout for your business - unbelievable.
If she had handed you a card and said 'call me, I may be able to help you' and left that up to you - is one thing. But to say that four sessions will guarantee to rid you of your depression and what she charged is awful. Some people have no shame is all I can say.
There ARE no guarantees when it comes to depression and until you start working with someone you cannot possibly know how deep the problem is or make such a statement that four visits will cure it.
Stay away from this lady. What is the betting that after the four sessions - where I would be surprised if your depression were cured - she would then have some other excuse for you going back to her - its a nice little earner at

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