Do you think that ADHD is a cop out for children's disrespect, sarcasm, and defiant behavior?!

Question: Do you think that ADHD is a cop out for children's disrespect, sarcasm, and defiant behavior.?
My grandson is 15 years old and I love him dearly, but I don't like his disrespectful ways and misbehavior. His father (my son) is a good dad and very good disciplinarian, yet his son is so disrespectful to his parents, grandparents, and authority figures. His dad is divorced and has had custody of all 4 kids for the last 10 years. He works full time and leaves for work before the kids wake up. They are 15 and older and they get themselves off to school in the morning, yet their dad is there for them when they get home .Joe (not his real name), my grandson, has been getting counseling and weekly home visits with his social worker (family included) for the last 10 years, yet he has been expelled from school, and continues to disobey the rules and defies discipline. He's been on ritalin and adurol and he blames the medicine when he misbehaves saying "well I forgot to take my meds today". His two brothers and sister are always telling him not to act like that, but he swears at them and tells them to mind their business. Joe is the youngest of 4 children. I thought ADHD meant that they have a hard time to concentrate and focus on the subject at hand (attention disorder), but does that give him reason to be so disrespectful or is he just a BRAT.? Health Question & Answer

ADHD can be a cop-out. Many parents use ADHD as an excuse as to why their children are unruly, but seeing as Joe's father has done the best job he can and has disciplined his children well, and the other children are nothing like Joe, it sounds likely to me that Joe is one of 2 options:

1. Has ADHD

2. Is attention seeking, disrespectful, and as you say, a brat!

There are many kids/teens out there who just use ADHD as an excuse as to why they're "naughty", when really it's because they cannot be bothered to behave.

Joe is your grandson and you love him dearly, and you may just have to accept he has ADHD. Usually, the symptoms for ADHD are as follows:
* Impulsiveness: a person who acts quickly without thinking things through.
* Hyperactivity: a person who is unable to sit still.
* Inattention: a person who daydreams or seems to be in another world. (taken from

ADHD sufferers' are known to be "naughty" and as he's been prescribed medicines he should have calmed down by now. He should grow out of his ADHD behaviour soon though - it usually disappears in adulthood.
Health Question & Answer

No, my 16 yr old has ADHD and is in no way defiant,disrespectful, or troublesome. Although in some cases, ADHD is automatically labeled to kids who do act that way with out any real fact finding studying. If it does not come from a licensed phycologist then don't trust it to be true. Check deeply into his case.Health Question & Answer

No, but your an awful grandmother to talk about your grandson like that.
It doesnt matter, your suppose to love them no matter what.

Your like my grandmother who is awful,

Take him somewhere, out to eat, and just talk to him get to know him, maybe teach him some manners.Health Question & Answer

I believe it may be an excuse to be a total brat lol.
My brother and I were both on ritalin when we were younger and all that does is make us sleepy. But in my opinion nothing was wrong with me I just wanted to do things my way...Health Question & Answer

Nope. My younger daughter has ADHD, but is very well behaved. She can be bratty at times, but not without consequences and her trying hard to do better next time.
There is a lot more going on with your grandson than ADHD. Health Question & Answer

You are not an awful grandmother!!! But it does look like he needs some attention.Health Question & Answer

I think ADHD is an excuse for parents and teachers to medicate
children to make it easier for them. When my sons teacher suggested
he should be medicated to keep him calmer in class I was appalled.
My son is 23 now and still a very energetic person , it's part of his charm. He graduated high school at 17 , was active in football and basketball and also the swim team. He's had the same job since his 18th birthday and is wonderful attentive father. He still finds time for golf and basketball. I'm so thankful he was never medicated but allowed to be his active and energetic self. I couldn"t be prouder.Health Question & Answer

I definitely don't think it's an excuse, I have ADHD and I'm not disrespectful. I guess you could call me "defiant", though, since I do what I want, when I want, how I want, where I want. I don't let people control me or tell me what to do, but I don't try to control others and I don't expect that people do what I ask. But I can see why you'd think that..I don't like when people use their disabilities as excuses.Health Question & Answer

Did any of us have ADHD as children.? Who knows.? We were disciplined if we were unruly. What is so complicated about that.? I have 3 children whom I love dearly, and from time to time, they misbehave. Do I take them to the doctor to put them on drugs.? No!!! I correct them. My methods of discipline are irrelevant, but they have degrees of severity.
Let the child know that you have rules at your house, and also let your children know that you rule your roost. I remember many times where my grandmother (who I adore) punished me just as harshly as my parents.
You have done an amazing job by raising a child (children.?) so don't stop with the next generation. We as a country need more people to take a stand and stop letting "cop-outs" make America look bad. Health Question & Answer

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