I really really just need a break for a while.?!

Question: I really really just need a break for a while..?
I just started grade nin this year, and Im not used to getting so much homework, plus drama club has started...and I'm in FSL so the work is harder (French as a second Language)
I have to do a thirty minute piano practice every day
One of my friends has started being a jerk
And my brother is being just as annoying as usual (he is annoying far beyond the boundries of sibling rivalry, you think your little brother is bad.? you should meet mine!)
Ive got a socials exam and a math chapter test next week and I have to give a speech in french tommorrow
I got a bottom cker at school wich really pisses me off, and it takes my five mintutes to open it because its busted and I ahvent gotten around to getting a new one.
My room is a mess becuase Ive been so busy with homework and I can't find the time too clean it, and every time I get close to, I get so upset.
But its all jsut adding up...and the enger and stress is just building up inside me, and every little thing is setting me off.
I just need to get away for a while, but not even weekends are enough now.
I know people have it worse, but I do NOT deal well with stress, I've had a problem with handling my emotions all my life. When I get angry, I completly lose control and it's not pretty.

I'm screaming at everything and I'm angry at everyone.

What can I do.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

i can TOTALLY relate. i'm the same way (and i'm in 9th grade). when school was starting, i was so stressed and worried that i almost had a panic attack in wall-mart while supplies shopping.

you have to de-stress. you said you don't deal with emotions well (i relate to that too). sometimes, just locking yourself in your room and crying really helps. i mean it. it might sound weird but it feels great afterward. also, just have some alone time. when i'm stressed, i don't want to be around anyone. i just chill out and listen to music, read a book, whatever. you could also try some yoga/meditation. it doesn't have to be in a studio or anything... just look up some yoga moves and do yoga for a little while. i do yoga twice a week and it really helps. actually, any type of exercise helps with stress.

well good luck. i'm working on my stress too (i actually cried today... it felt good).Health Question & Answer

Damn girl! you got a hectic life, well scheduled life...

work on your school work, piano and drama can wait im sure. take your tasks(like your messy room) one at a time. don't over do yourself. you don'twant to overload that pretty little head of yours!!! :DHealth Question & Answer

try to breathe, try not to scream and realise things will get easier.

youll not always wake up dreading whats ahead.

i know it dosent help now but youll look back on this in years to come and laugh or maybe just say that wernt too bad.

or am i talking ....!Health Question & Answer

focus on your education everything else is second,, when you feel stressed out,,go for a quick walk,, you will reap your rewards for working hard,I promise.........and try to set aside time with friend also.hang in thereHealth Question & Answer

Well, I've been feeling the same way. Suggest you focus on your priorities, such as your exam, test and speech. When those are over, take a day to do NOTHING. I mean nothing. If you feel the need to do something, catch up on your movie watching and pampering. That must sound trivial, but it helps me so much.
also, consider getting more sleep than usual. It will help!
Trust me, I'm a University student. I get stressed to the point of crying sometimes. The thing that helps most is more sleep!
After your major priorities are done, make a time to clean your room. Maybe try tackling it half an hour a day. Little by little it will get done. That whole 'you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time' speech is kind of relevant I think. If you look at it as a whole, you'll just get depressed. Start by setting and achieving little goals, and you'll feel heaps better as you progress through your big ones 'one bite at a time'! :)
Hope that helps! If not, consider going to stay with a close friend or relative for the weekend, so you're free from the pressure of a messy room & annoying brother for a while!Health Question & Answer

Your life is the same as everyone else's. It is full of frustration and aggravation-in between that there's some great moments. Don't you have a break coming up.? An Oct. break.?.? I know guys who lift weights, play basktball or football, or take karate to help with their emotions. You do need to learn self control-as you will end up in jail or worse as you get older.Health Question & Answer

breathe. when you're working on your work, and you feel stressed, just stop everything, close your eyes, and breathe. it will help.

also, you need to realize that the people around you arent the ones putting the stress on you, the work you're doing is, so dont get mad at the people, think of the work as a challenge and as soon as you finish it, the stress WILL go away.

even if its just like, 15 minutes, you need a time where you can just calm down, and get your thoughts together. listen to some MCR, and loosen up a little. ;)

just remember that the locker will open eventually, your room will get clean, because eventually you will have the time, your speech will go fine, and so will your tests because you're smart enough to do well, your brother will always be a pain (lol) so you will just have to learn to get used to it, and that friend you have.? they might be going through stuff, or they are just not who they used to be, but dont stress about it.

sorry it was long, i had a lot to say. hope i helped! :)Health Question & Answer

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