Should I be blamed or be considered immature and wrong because of how I feel?!

Question: Should I be blamed or be considered immature and wrong because of how I feel.?
I really need help. I'm emotionally crashing. Hardly anyone understands how I feel. People make it like "I'm" the problem, when in fact, people are abusive & hateful towards me for no reason. I have no one to turn to. Not even people here on Y!A. Every time I seek advice or support, people think I'm crazy & need to be locked up, & they target me & wrongfully report every question I ask. That's why I stay home all the time, & people get all "concerned" when I stay in my shell. When I come out, & start trying to interact, that's when people treat me like a plague. They scream AHHHHHHHHH! & run.

I just feel like crying. People don't understand NOR care how I feel. They love inflicting pain on me, even emotionally. & they think it's FUNNY! I suffer every day.

I have to question the morality of everything I do, say, think, & feel. It's eating me up to the point where I can't function normally in my daily life. The Wellbutrin doesn't help me feel better. The Luvox doesn't help my OCD unwanted thoughts. I'm mentally tortured. Unappreciated & unaccepted everywhere I go. In person or online.

I'm 25 with a college degree & still can't make my own decisions or live how I want to. I REALLY want to be happy. But if you were treated on a daily basis how I get treated, you'd be shaky, nervous, depressed, & having angry outbursts, too.

I have no control over my life. Outsiders, who so-claim to HATE me & wish me dead, always think it's THEIR place to tell me when, how, & where I can sleep, eat, & ****. & then, I have to owe them an answer for WHY! I'm tired of living like this. Sometimes I'm unable to avoid toxic people.

Please, no rude responses. But I really do need advice, support, & positive feedback.Health Question & Answer

Of course you don't choose to feel this way.. it is a mental conflict you are in... you suffer from several disorders.. you don't suffer from mental disease but you have a row of mental disorders and you need to hang on in there and try to collaborate with the doctors.. tell your doctor that the meds you are on don't work for you.. until they go and research and find what will help you.. you need to tackle what is affecting you most. first and that is your depression and your lethargy.. all due to depression.. so you do need first and foremost help with that.. also try to find the root cause... You do need to find a psychiatrist who will also give you occupational therapy perhaps... medication.. maybe you need a councellor and a psychiatrist.. one helping you to boost your self esteem.. the psychiatrist needs to research what drugs will benefit you and maybe find out how at least to get you to feeling better. even if you can't be cured.. but you mentioned earlier you have not combed your hair in 3 weeks as you feel so down you can't be bothered.. that is a sign of deep depression.. you need a good psychiatrist who doesn't just hand out medication to you but also tries to dig deeper .. give you or sends you to some therapy.. that improves your overall condition.. maybe light therapy.. group therapy.. you need to talk to the councellor and the psychiatrist.. they also should collaborate with each other.. so they do something to get you help to at least be able to function and lead a life that's livable.. you didn't choose this.. you do need help from a specialist and you are not alone with your problems... It is your right to ask for help... discuss this with your doctor.. he needs to take efforts to get you treatment that helps at least to get you functioning.. even if it will be a long process you need to be strong and you need to work with them.. and really want to get better.. you also need to let them know if something doesn't work for you.. so they can try out something different until they will find something that helps you.. There is medication out there and therapy.. it takes time to find what it is that will improve your symptoms but it is out there somewhere.. so don't give up.. A lot of progress has been made in medicine and also in dealing with psychiatric disorders.. it takes your effort and that of the doctors to work it out so that you get the best deal.. You need to push yourself and find ways to boost your morale.. to want to get better.. so get up and try to do something.. don't just sit back and give in to your depression.. talk about it.. go for help... ask for different treatment.. and medication.. tell the doctors exactly how you feel.. then they will be better able to help you... it is achievable.. so hang on in there.. they are not gods.. but they can find ways to get you better ... give yourself and them some time.. and be open with them .. about together as a team...Health Question & Answer

There are a lot of things going on here. One thing is it sounds like you need to get to a mental health professional. You have some issues that come from somewhere and need to be dealt with. It's not funny - it's serious and you need to go to see someone quickly. No one here on Yahoo can know what to tell you to solve your problem as we don't know the root of it.

Second, and most of all, take control and responsibility for your actions. No one can help you or take the blame for you, you have to get yourself straight then you can see things clearly.

I feel for you as I went through serious depression that caused me to blame everyone and everything. Once i stopped playing the blame game I was able to address my issues.

Good luck, I hope you find the peace you deserve. Health Question & Answer

I completely understand how you feel. I spent years of my life being a slave to my fears of people. I've been betrayed or let down by everyone in my life, sometimes very hurtfully and that can really wear down a person. I've lived life in a shell. It's not much of a life.

One thing I've realized, fairly recently, is that this happens to everybody. That's a hard truth to accept when you feel so hurt. The difference isn't in how people are treated. The difference is in how the victim reacts. The mental torture you're speaking of isn't from the mistreatment people hand you. Being mistreated hurts, I'm not making light of that by any means, but this mental torture is you questioning, over and over, why you deserve the treatment you've received, what's wrong with you that would cause someone to treat you in such a way etc, on and on... And people are cruel, sure. Some people see your weaknesses and thrive on them. Why.? Because they're not strong enough to lift themselves, they have to step on the backs of anyone they can to get up.

So, what do you do.? You need to stop letting other people determine your self-worth. F*ck 'em. I'm not kidding. No one, and I mean NO ONE can tell you who you are, what you can do or what you're good for. If they can, or you think they can, the issue is that you're listening to that. It took me a long time to reach a point where I could believe I didn't have to be apologetic for simply being here and being me.

Live each day knowing you deserve to be here and you're allowed to be you. Live each day knowing you are deserving of respect. Live each day knowing control of your life is there for you to take if you want it. You are only able to do that which you take up the power and responsibility to do. Appreciation and acceptance are rare gifts you might sometimes be granted, but they are not necessary to have to live as if you deserve them. Anyone and everyone can be toxic if you stop living your life and live it for others. Stop hiding. It is scary to walk back through the door of hurt and fear, but sometimes we are called to do that to heal. Step through that door. You will find that there are lots of others who have had to walk that walk. You are not alone, my friend.Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry that you're going through all of this. Clearly, your reality is very different from that of most other people's. This is why people treat you the way they do. As much as other people need to try and understand what you are going through, you also need to understand what the average person thinks when they see you. Sadly, a lot of people see those with disorders such as OCD as "damaged goods", or people who cannot function properly in our society. People these days don't make a lot of allowances for those who are different.

People with OCD frequently live successful lives, but others have great difficulty. If the medications that you are on aren't working, you need to state this to your doctor. Hopefully something else can be found to help you.

In the meantime, you need to realize that the people around you can't put themselves into your shoes. The acceptance of this fact will hopefully allow you to place everything others say into context. It's kind of like the Islamic extremists calling Christians the "infidels"; We know that it is wrong and it doesn't make sense, but we don't let it bother us in our everyday lives.Health Question & Answer

I doubt anything I could say would help because they are only words. Everybody blames; it is basic causal concept comprehension, even if abused, there is no avoiding it and being a competent human at the same time. Blaming isn't a game, it is a necessity, but we must discern the notion from the person owning and believing it. We form fidelity or loyalties on notions, but concepts are as breathing is to life and people die and kill on notions. Notions turn the concepts to the negative ends, needs infect rather than motivate socially positively. You need conceptualize the other in basic concepts that all humans take as daily bread, or you shall be caught up in the illusion of notions with your persecutors. Positive starts with you or no one, but then there is me.Health Question & Answer

There is no use trying to talk to you, you only want sympathy and attention and will only be happy when you hear what you want to hear. ... sit on the internet and ask strangers to solve your mental issues good work.Health Question & Answer

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