How do you pull yourself out of depression?!

Question: How do you pull yourself out of depression.?
I've been on antidepressants for years and I don't know what's happening but it seems that all of a sudden over the past few weeks, I have fallen into a deep depression again. I am anxious all the time - want to sleep or isolate myself continually - I'm exhausted and have body aches like I've got the flu - I just don't see any point in keeping up the brave face anymore - What could be causing this.? How do I stop feeling this way.? I'm afraid if it gets any worse that I'm going to hurt myself. I don't know what to do.Health Question & Answer

Part of the problem is probably in the first line you wrote, you've been on anti-depressants for years. Anti-depressants usually work best over a short course of treatment but they work even better in conjunction with other things such as self-help groups or proper psychiatric therapy/counselling etc. Just taking pills for years with nothing else means you have no way of re-learning/adapting behaviours and therefore no coping mechanisms for future stressful/difficult situations.
I would advise you go back to the GP who prescribes your pills and tell him how you're feeling and that you would like some additional help.
Be warned, there are no quick fixes and you will probably need either new pills or different regimes to adjust too as well as starting whatever therapy is recommended for you.
Meanwhile there are other things you can do, taking gentle regular exercise can help, things like meditation/yoga where you learn how to control breathing and how to relax your muscles is good at helping reduce stress levels.
Getting together with others to discuss some of your issues, helps you realise you are not alone with how you feel about certain things, others feel pretty much the same but have found ways of coping with it.
You have already made one significant statement in that you want stop feeling this way. That's a start, you can't just "pull" yourself out of this but you can reach out and find help.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

You sound like you are a manic depressive to me. That is not something you can pull yourself out of because it is a chemical imbalance of the brain. Perhaps your medication needs to be changed. Look don't blame yourself, 3/4 of the world is depressed right now. Your flu symptoms are probably fibromyalgia. You need to go back to your mental health care provider and get a review. Health Question & Answer

unfortunately there is no quick fix for this. but you have realised that there is a problem occurring again and that is a good thing. sometimes after awhile people have a relapse and it is just one of these things. you know your mind and body and know that it is not right at the moment. you need to see the doctor and explain how you are feeling in order to progress. sometimes it is just too hard to put on a brave face and that is ok, there is no need to feel like you have done anything to make this happen. Health Question & Answer

You need to talk to your Doc and see about increasing your dose age or changing you script. Just do not do anything to hurt yourself or others cause you can manage you depression with the right help.Health Question & Answer

i think you should go for walks and every time you go for a walk think of good times even if it was the smallest thing that happened then think about the problems you have and think them through that helped me and i'm doing good Health Question & Answer


Stop drinking any drinks with sugar in them, join a running club and train to run a marathon. Thats what I did and it works.Health Question & Answer

Talk to a therapist
Talk to someone you care about and you know they will be there
Restrain yourself from hurting yourself
Because everyone has so much to give in this world.Health Question & Answer Question & Answer

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