Is anyone on Effexor for bipolar? Does it work?!

Question: Is anyone on Effexor for bipolar.? Does it work.?
I thought antidepressants were not good for bipolars. Care to share.?Health Question & Answer

It is widely understood that antidepressants often make bipolar people manic. That said, if a person with bipolar has been successfully stabilized on mood stabilizers, many believe antidepressants can be tried and some have success.

Doctors often push ahead with aantidepressants because depression is so dangerous. My experience is mania is sometimes worse than depression so this is not a good practice.

It is important to understand that bipolar sufferers react to medications differently. Asking how they worked for someone else is tempting but not effective. The only way to tell is try them even then it is often a combination of medications that work for an individual. Health Question & Answer

my medical training has Over 3 hrs to date, you Have to ask this kind of question to a real doc. while a lot have been there and done that if the doc has there stuff togahter they know that not all drugs work. some just love to drug and farm you out [ make you sleep all the time ] its just finding what works for you.

i was on it for about 12 days, being ret military and the Violent dreams/ night terrors i had them take k me of it for the worlds sake. i know a friend that has been on it for Years for depression he loves it . from over a decade dealing with this a Great book is called ' the nursing drug guild 09' it has what it is and what it dose and interaction IN ENGLISH. ....<G> Docs Hate it <G> but they also ' know better' a lot If its not working CALL AND TELL THEM .. if they will not listen get a new doc.Health Question & Answer

It all depends on you're genetic makeup. There are so many drugs out there because no two people are the same (and because drug companies love money lol). Different people need different meds or a combination of them.

I'm bipolar and was on antidepressants for a while, although i was on a mood stabilizer too. And I was fine. I don't need them now and I'm glad but they did work for the time being. Talk to a psychiatrist. Find a good one tho. A lot of them tend to be *****. Just throwing more meds at you because they want your money. Be careful.Health Question & Answer

I have not heard of that for bi polar illness.Some med works for some and for others do not work at all. My son and Daughter are bi polar, Rispiridone works for the lad, while not for the girl. Olanzapine works for her and not for him, on rispiridone she remained a suicide threat and was better in 8 days on olanzapine.Rispiridone worked in 6 days for him while olanzapine gave an allergic or bad reaction.
They have never been on anti depressants as i was told they were not effective.Health Question & Answer

My oldest son is 30 & he has bipolar & schitzophrenia. It took "many" tries on different medications to find the right ones that would work for him. Just because you are prescribed something, don't "think" it's going to be the perfect answer the first time. If it doesn't work the first or so times, keep trying something else. What worked for my son was Geodon but he gained lots of weight so they put him on abilify & that works excellent. However, through his life they will have to keep changing his meds because Bipolar always gets worse through life. Some medication actually made him alot worseHealth Question & Answer

I am not bipolar but all meds are different and have different effects on different people. Listen to your doctors. Hope this was helpfulHealth Question & Answer

A doctor only answer this...Do not take them unless you go to a doctor.It is really dangerous.Health Question & Answer

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