I have no self esteem? ?!

Question: I have no self esteem.? .?
I'm 16 years old turning 17 in a few days. I used to get bullied and teased in middle school because of my weight and being shy. I then developed social anxiety and I never leave my house. I have no friends and noone to talk to. My mom is evil and plays mind games and when I used to tell her I was getting bullied she would throw it back in my face to make me feel like shyt. My dad is in bad health and hes the type of person to not express his emotions or talk about that because he thinks it makes him not look like a man.

Last year I dropped out in 9th grade because of my anxiety, but then my parents bought me a treadmill and ive lost 20 pounds and feel better. I dont get really nervous being in public places now. I just have no friends or anyone to talk to and I feel lonely.

When someone makes a remark to me, it can be something so little and I get sad and I get really quiet. Sometimes ill even cry because it bothers me so much. EVERYTHING bothers me. I constantly worry about my dad because hes in bad health. I constantly worry about my future and what my future is gonna be. I sometimes feel like I wanna be dead and that ill be nothing but a bum because im so shy! I fear that i'll never get a job or get my GED. I emailed this woman that controls the GED program here in the school district and I lost confidence of getting a GED because she never contacted me back. Right now I feel like complete shyt because of what something so little happened today.

I cant talk to people in real life. I always freeze up and my mind goes blank. When I try to speak, my voice gets all funny and mumble and it sounds like I have a lisp or speech problem. When im all alone, I talk to myself, and my lisp and bad speech goes away and I sound like a normal person.

If you were to look at me in real life, you wouldnt think there was anything wrong with me. I look like a normal teenager with nice clothes, nice shoes, has everything a teenager has.

How can I stop this.? My mom plays mind games and crys to relatives and her friends about how bad she has it and cries about things that happened 5 years ago when I was a bad acting kid. She does it for attention and so people will feel sorry for her. Knowing that makes me explode inside with anger and confusion. I just dont know what to think, I feel so upset and just mad and confused. Earlier all I could see was myself being dead. I know that I would never do anything to hurt myself because im not stupid like that.

I just feel like that after i turn 18 and i'm officially an adult i'll be a bum with no education, no GED, and no job. I'll probably live up to my moms words and probably be the bum of the family who sits at home all day wacking off, the person everyone talks about. Soon enough im almost there because my mom makes up lies and exagerates it all so much to the point where people believe her.

I cry constantly about this and not being able to go to GED classes. My hopes were up this summer and I couldnt wait to go to them, and then the counselor was too slow and school already started and now my confidence is shattered.

How can I get self esteem and not let peoples little remarks affect me.?
I know that I should defend myself around the people my mom talks to about me but it would make me look bad. I mean she has these people sooo fooled that it would make me look wrong no matter what I do.

My mom is the person to cry to everyone and tell them how bad she has it. She blames my dad and my brother and me. Its NEVER her, her mind games piss me off so bad!

my dad said she used to go and tell her friends a bunch of BS about my dad and they would believe her and give her attention and they turned around and hated him. She came out smiling and feeling good, I believe thats what shes trying to do with my aunt. My aunt is my dads sister and she cries to her and always talks about my dad being grumpy and mean. She used to be two faced and couldnt stand my aunt, I believe she wants to turn my aunt against my dad so that she'll hate him.

Shes two faced about everyone. She talks about people behind their backs all the time!Health Question & Answer

For starters I think you are focusing on all the bad things at once, which never makes you feel good. Find something to take your mind off of things and relax a bit.

It looks like you have a lot to talk about so you'd probably benefit from talking to a professional, or even just a good friend.

Self esteem takes a while to build up, it comes with constantly being reassured of yourself. If you're around people who don't make you feel good about yourself it isn't very easy.

I encourage you to make good friends and just talk to them.

Good Luck
God BlessHealth Question & Answer

You might want to visit this blog. It contain some valuable information regarding your problem that you might be able to take away fromHealth Question & Answer

http://knowsmart.blogspot.com/2008/10/mo...Health Question & Answer

Perhaps you could consider making a visit to your family doctor to let him know how you're feeling. Maybe he could refer you to someone who would be of help with the anxiety and self-esteem problems you're experiencing.?

I hope you get the help you deserve.
Health Question & Answer

Look into the Man Kind Project. My friend went and was a changed man when he came home. He also suffered from anxiety really BAD!
He swears by it. If I were you I'd look them up on the web. I thinks it's mankindproject.com or something like that. I know it cost money to go but if you let them know you cant afford it, they'll find someone who could sponsor you. what the heck, give it a shot. You'll also find life long friends though the process. My friend has and he's so grateful.
God Bless you.Health Question & Answer

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